OMXPlayer is a commandline OMX player for the Raspberry Pi. It was developed as a testbed for the XBMC Raspberry PI implementation and is quite handy to use standalone.
git clone
omxplayer's built-in help and the man page are all generated from this file during make. You may need to change the Makefile if you modify the structure of!
Run this script which will install build dependency packages, including g++, and update firmware
Build with
make ffmpeg
make -j$(nproc)
Install with
sudo make install
You need the content of your sdcard somewhere mounted or copied. There might be development headers to install on the running Pi system for the crosscompiling.
Edit Makefile.include and change the settings according your locations.
make ffmpeg
make dist
Installing OMXPlayer
You may want to specify a valid font path inside the omxplayer
shell script.
Copy over omxplayer-dist/*
to the Pi /
Usage: omxplayer [OPTIONS] [FILE]
-h --help Print this help
-v --version Print version info
-k --keys Print key bindings
-n --aidx index Audio stream index : e.g. 1
-o --adev device Audio out device : e.g. hdmi/local/both/alsa[:device]
-i --info Dump stream format and exit
-I --with-info dump stream format before playback
-s --stats Pts and buffer stats
-p --passthrough Audio passthrough
-d --deinterlace Force deinterlacing
--nodeinterlace Force no deinterlacing
--nativedeinterlace let display handle interlace
--anaglyph type convert 3d to anaglyph
--advanced[=0] Enable/disable advanced deinterlace for HD videos (default enabled)
-w --hw Hw audio decoding
-3 --3d mode Switch tv into 3d mode (e.g. SBS/TB)
-M --allow-mvc Allow decoding of both views of MVC stereo stream
-y --hdmiclocksync Display refresh rate to match video (default)
-z --nohdmiclocksync Do not adjust display refresh rate to match video
-t --sid index Show subtitle with index
-r --refresh Adjust framerate/resolution to video
-g --genlog Generate log file
-l --pos n Start position (hh:mm:ss)
-b --blank[=0xAARRGGBB] Set the video background color to black (or optional ARGB value)
--loop Loop file. Ignored if file not seekable
--no-boost-on-downmix Don't boost volume when downmixing
--vol n set initial volume in millibels (default 0)
--amp n set initial amplification in millibels (default 0)
--no-osd Do not display status information on screen
--no-keys Disable keyboard input (prevents hangs for certain TTYs)
--subtitles path External subtitles in UTF-8 srt format
--font path Default: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf
--italic-font path Default: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSansOblique.ttf
--font-size size Font size in 1/1000 screen height (default: 55)
--align left/center Subtitle alignment (default: left)
--no-ghost-box No semitransparent boxes behind subtitles
--lines n Number of lines in the subtitle buffer (default: 3)
--win 'x1 y1 x2 y2' Set position of video window
--win x1,y1,x2,y2 Set position of video window
--crop 'x1 y1 x2 y2' Set crop area for input video
--crop x1,y1,x2,y2 Set crop area for input video
--aspect-mode type Letterbox, fill, stretch. Default: stretch if win is specified, letterbox otherwise
--audio_fifo n Size of audio output fifo in seconds
--video_fifo n Size of video output fifo in MB
--audio_queue n Size of audio input queue in MB
--video_queue n Size of video input queue in MB
--threshold n Amount of buffered data required to finish buffering [s]
--timeout n Timeout for stalled file/network operations (default 10s)
--orientation n Set orientation of video (0, 90, 180 or 270)
--fps n Set fps of video where timestamps are not present
--live Set for live tv or vod type stream
--layout Set output speaker layout (e.g. 5.1)
--dbus_name name default: org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.omxplayer
--key-config <file> Uses key bindings in <file> instead of the default
--alpha Set video transparency (0..255)
--layer n Set video render layer number (higher numbers are on top)
--display n Set display to output to
--cookie 'cookie' Send specified cookie as part of HTTP requests
--user-agent 'ua' Send specified User-Agent as part of HTTP requests
--lavfdopts 'opts' Options passed to libavformat, e.g. 'probesize:250000,...'
--avdict 'opts' Options passed to demuxer, e.g., 'rtsp_transport:tcp,...'
For example:
./omxplayer -p -o hdmi test.mkv
Key bindings to control omxplayer while playing:
1 decrease speed
2 increase speed
< rewind
> fast forward
z show info
j previous audio stream
k next audio stream
i previous chapter
o next chapter
n previous subtitle stream
m next subtitle stream
s toggle subtitles
w show subtitles
x hide subtitles
d decrease subtitle delay (- 250 ms)
f increase subtitle delay (+ 250 ms)
q exit omxplayer
p / space pause/resume
- decrease volume
+ / = increase volume
left arrow seek -30 seconds
right arrow seek +30 seconds
down arrow seek -600 seconds
up arrow seek +600 seconds
A key config file is a series of rules of the form [action]:[key]. Multiple keys can be bound to the same action, and comments are supported by adding a # in front of the line. The list of valid [action]s roughly corresponds to the list of default key bindings above and are:
Valid [key]s include all alpha-numeric characters and most symbols, as well as:
hex [keycode]
For example:
#Note that this next line has a space after the :
can be controlled via DBUS. There are three interfaces, all of
which present a different set of commands. For examples on working with DBUS
take a look at the supplied file.
The root interface is accessible under the name
Root interface methods can be accessed through org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.MethodName
Stops the currently playing video. This will cause the currently running omxplayer process to terminate.
Params | Type |
Return | null |
No effect.
Params | Type |
Return | null |
Root interface properties can be accessed through org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get
and org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set
methods with the string
as first argument and the string "PropertyName"
second argument.
Whether or not the player can quit.
Params | Type |
Return | boolean |
Whether or not the player can is fullscreen.
Params | Type |
Return | boolean |
Whether or not the player can set fullscreen.
Params | Type |
Return | boolean |
Whether the display window can be brought to the top of all the window.
Params | Type |
Return | boolean |
Whether or not the player has a track list.
Params | Type |
Return | boolean |
Name of the player.
Params | Type |
Return | string |
Playable URI formats.
Params | Type |
Return | string[] |
Supported mime types. Note: currently not implemented.
Params | Type |
Return | string[] |
The player interface is accessible under the name
Player interface methods can be accessed through org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.MethodName
Skip to the next chapter.
Params | Type |
Return | null |
Skip to the previous chapter.
Params | Type |
Return | null |
Play the video. If the video is playing, it has no effect, if it is paused it will play from current position.
Params | Type |
Return | null |
Pause the video. If the video is playing, it will be paused, if it is paused it will stay in pause (no effect).
Params | Type |
Return | null |
Toggles the play state. If the video is playing, it will be paused, if it is paused it will start playing.
Params | Type |
Return | null |
Stops the video. This has the same effect as Quit (terminates the omxplayer instance).
Params | Type |
Return | null |
Perform a relative seek, i.e. seek plus or minus a certain number of microseconds from the current position in the video.
Params | Type | Description |
1 | int64 |
Microseconds to seek |
Return | null or int64 |
If the supplied offset is invalid, null is returned, otherwise the offset (in microseconds) is returned |
Seeks to a specific location in the file. This is an absolute seek.
Params | Type | Description |
1 | string |
Path (not currently used) |
2 | int64 |
Position to seek to, in microseconds |
Return | null or int64 |
If the supplied position is invalid, null is returned, otherwise the position (in microseconds) is returned |
Set the alpha transparency of the player [0-255].
Params | Type | Description |
1 | string |
Path (not currently used) |
2 | int64 |
Alpha value, 0-255 |
Seeks the video playback layer.
Params | Type | Description |
1 | int64 |
Layer to switch to |
Mute the audio stream. If the volume is already muted, this does nothing.
Params | Type |
Return | null |
Unmute the audio stream. If the stream is already unmuted, this does nothing.
Params | Type |
Return | null |
Returns a array of all known subtitles. The length of the array is the number of subtitles. Each item in the araay is a string in the following format:
Any of the fields may be blank, except for index
. language
is the language
code, such as eng
, chi
, swe
, etc. name
is a description of the
subtitle, such as foreign parts
or SDH
. codec
is the name of the codec
used by the subtitle, sudh as subrip
. active
is either the string active
or an empty string.
Params | Type |
Return | string[] |
Returns and array of all known audio streams. The length of the array is the number of streams. Each item in the array is a string in the following format:
See ListSubtitles
for a description of what each of these fields means. An
example of a possible string is:
0:eng:DD 5.1:ac3:active
Params | Type |
Return | string[] |
Returns and array of all known video streams. The length of the array is the number of streams. Each item in the array is a string in the following format:
See ListSubtitles
for a description of what each of these fields means. An
example of a possible string is:
Params | Type |
Return | string[] |
Selects the subtitle at a given index.
Params | Type | Description |
1 | int32 |
Index of subtitle to select |
Return | boolean |
Returns true if subtitle was selected, `false otherwise |
Selects the audio stream at a given index.
Params | Type | Description |
1 | int32 |
Index of audio stream to select |
Return | boolean |
Returns true if stream was selected, `false otherwise |
Turns on subtitles.
Params | Type |
Return | null |
Turns off subtitles.
Params | Type |
Return | null |
The current file or stream that is being played.
Params | Type |
Return | string |
Execute a "keyboard" command. For available codes, see KeyConfig.h.
Params | Type | Description |
1 | int32 |
Command to execute |
Return | null |
Player interface properties can be accessed through org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get
and org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set
methods with the string
as first argument and the string "PropertyName"
second argument.
Whether or not the play can skip to the next track.
Params | Type |
Return | boolean |
Whether or not the player can skip to the previous track.
Params | Type |
Return | boolean |
Whether or not the player can seek.
Params | Type |
Return | boolean |
Whether or not the player can be controlled.
Params | Type |
Return | boolean |
Whether or not the player can play.
Return type: boolean
Whether or not the player can pause.
Params | Type |
Return | boolean |
The current state of the player, either "Paused" or "Playing".
Params | Type |
Return | string |
When called with an argument it will set the volume and return the current volume. When called without an argument it will simply return the current volume. As defined by the MPRIS specifications, this value should be greater than or equal to 0. 1 is the normal volume. Everything below is quieter than normal, everything above is louder.
Millibels can be converted to/from acceptable values using the following:
volume = pow(10, mB / 2000.0);
mB = 2000.0 * log10(volume)
Params | Type | Description |
1 (optional) | double |
Volume to set |
Return | double |
Current volume |
Restart and open another URI for playing.
Params | Type | Description |
1 | string |
URI to play |
Returns the current position of the playing media.
Params | Type | Description |
Return | int64 |
Current position in microseconds |
Returns the minimum playback rate of the video.
Params | Type |
Return | double |
Returns the maximum playback rate of the video.
Params | Type |
Return | double |
When called with an argument it will set the playing rate and return the current rate. When called without an argument it will simply return the current rate. Rate of 1.0 is the normal playing rate. A value of 2.0 corresponds to two times faster than normal rate, a value of 0.5 corresponds to two times slower than the normal rate.
Params | Type | Description |
1 (optional) | double |
Rate to set |
Return | double |
Current rate |
Returns track information: URI and length.
Params | Type | Description |
Return | dict |
Dictionnary entries with key:value pairs |
Returns the aspect ratio.
Params | Type | Description |
Return | double |
Aspect ratio |
Returns the number of video streams.
Params | Type | Description |
Return | int64 |
Number of video streams |
Returns video width
Params | Type | Description |
Return | int64 |
Video width in px |
Returns video width
Params | Type | Description |
Return | int64 |
Video height in px |
Returns the total length of the playing media.
Params | Type | Description |
Return | int64 |
Total length in microseconds |