@use '~ioco-sass' as ioco;
@use 'sass:map' as map;
// functions
$test1: ioco.contrast-of-color($color);
// Same algorithm as http://mcg.mbitson.com/
$customPalette: ioco.palette-from-color($color);
// Same as Tailwind CSS palettes
// map.get($twPalette, 'teal'); // returns another map
$twPalette: ioco.tailwind-get-colors();
// Same as Material Color palettes
// map.get($matPalette, 'teal'); // returns another map
$matPalette: ioco.material-get-colors();
@use '~ioco-sass' as ioco;
$matPalette: ioco.material-get-colors();
$tealMap: map.get($matPalette, "teal");
$deepOrangeMap: map.get($matPalette, "deepOrange");
:root {
@include add-color-css-variables($tealMap, "--th-pink");
@include add-color-css-variables($deepOrange, "--th-orange", true);
Click on the In Code links to view all available names
Show Example
@use '~ioco-sass' as ioco;
@use 'sass:map' as map;
$matPalette: ioco.material-get-colors();
// One Color
$tealMap: map.get($matPalette, 'teal');
// All colors
:root {
@each $colorName, $colorMap in $matPalette{
@each $shade, $color in $colorMap{
--mat-#{$colorName}-#{$shade}: $color;
In Code from tailwindcss
Show Example
@use '~ioco-sass' as ioco;
@use 'sass:map' as map;
$twPalette: ioco.tailwind-get-colors();
// One Color
$emeraldMap: map.get($twPalette, 'emerald');
// All colors
:root {
@each $colorName, $colorMap in $twPalette{
@each $shade, $color in $colorMap{
--mat-#{$colorName}-#{$shade}: $color;
In Code from this article
Show Example
@use '~ioco-sass' as ioco;
@use 'sass:map' as map;
$darkModes: ioco.dark-mode-get-colors();
$dm-material: map.get($darkModes, 'material');
:root {
--dm-bg: map.get($dm-material, "bg");
--dm-50: map.get($dm-material, 50);
--dm-100: map.get($dm-material, 100);
@use '~ioco-sass' with (
$lightContrast: #efefef,
$darkContrast: #333333,
@use '~ioco-sass' as ioco with (
$lightContrast: #efefef,
$darkContrast: #333333,
Contrast by default uses either white or black.
Dark modes available with preferred bg color