Improve your productivity and task turnaround, by removing the noise to make Wrike simple. Built for design and production individuals and teams who use Wrike.
Adding task 'timelog' and 'commenting' functions.
Style comment threads.
Subscription login cross check function (null, trialing, active, cancelled).
Enable Wrike API token refresh (session expires).
Finish off Feedback form via Typeform.
10% of Wrikified profits will be donated to GOSH (
- Users settings dropdown (background colour, billing, delete account, etc).
- Confirmation email for customer delete.
- Marketing email strategy (approx. 10x email, automation).
- Polish and style the Wrikified GitHub org README files.
- Dashboards, displaying users, usage, and feedback (Airtable?).
- Add lazy loading and lightbox onto images included within description section.
- Subscription tiers (L1: 5 task actions per month, L2: Unlimited task actions per month).
- Task sharing (via Raw link, Slack, WhatsApp, RocketChat, Jira, etc).
- Option to edit a recently posted comment.