Simple project that shows a list of tasks, which can be added or edited with sending specific HTML methods.
- Python3 - Programming language
- Flask - The web framework used
- SQLite3 - Local database used to store tasks
Method GET on /todolist returns a HTML page, where all tasks are listed
Method POST on /todolist with JSON in format:
"title" = "given title",
"done" = false/true
where "done" is optional adds a task to the database with current date and ip of the sender
Method GET on /todolist/<task_number> returns a JSON response in given format:
"title" = "title",
"done" = "true/false",
"author_ip" = "author_ip",
"created_date" = "created_date"
or code 404 if task is not found
Method PATCH on /todolist/<task_number> with JSON in format:
"title" = "given title",
"done" = false/true
where both keys are optional, updates task with given task_number and returns code 204 if completed successfully or 404 if task is not found.