This is the host repository of all teaching curriculum created and taught by With Madi Co. Be sure to check out the With Madi Co. Twitch Channel for live tutorials and for first looks into new lessons.
In the 2018-2019 school year, I taught an Introduction to Programming course at a high school. You can find the class curriculum I created as we traversed through the various activities here: Build With Code. Below are shorter tutorials / classes I've taught as workshops in multiple arenas:
- Introduction to Web Development: Let's Build Your Personal Website
- Building a Smart Mirror with MagicMirror
- How to Create An Alexa Fact Skill (gist)
- How to Create An Alexa Trivia Skill (class)
- Alexa Skill - take the attendance
- Rasberry Pi - MagicMirror / SmartMirror
- Smart Bulbs - Scheduler
- Scratch - Foundations of learning
- Social Media: Twitter, Tumblr, Twitch, TikTok, Snap, Discord
- MagicMirror
- Hackerrank is a great resource to practice foundations of programming, new programming languages, interview preparation, or just to keep your skills sharp. Highly recommend starting with the 30 Days of Code Challenge.
- Flashcards For Developers A great platform to help you study for developing interviews, to test if you truly understand the concepts of programming.
- The Programmer Toolbox is a wonderful podcast started by two incredible Women in Tech, Kathryn Hodge and Robyn Silber that aims to introduce others to coding and start more converstaions around different topics in technology.
- Git is a powerful tool and learn and to incorporate into your projects and knowledge base. This resource is more for people who are familiar with Git, but not aware of all the capabilities of the tool.
- Learn Git Branching is a great resource to get you started in the world of git and version control.
- Learn X in Y Minutes is great for when you know what programming language you want to learn. Choose a language and go through the page to learn the basic fundamentals of the language.
- FreeCodeCamp is an AMAZING resource for everything technology. I read new articles from here everyday.
- To solve the ever going debate between Vim vs. Emacs, there's Spacemacs, a community driven Emacs distribution.
- r/learnprogramming has a lot of other great resources for learning programming and a community to learn it with.