This project was built in my spare time, as a way to learn how to deploy Next.js ( from a custom server.
I decided to utilize Feathers.js, as it provides a quick method of building standardized HTTP routes which utilize hooks, through the use of their route and application generator/cli: npm i -g @feathersjs/cli
*SideNote: Feathers referes to /routes as /services; Where router.put('/users', someRouteFn())
is the same as feathers.service('/users).create()
This required a few modifcations to the default feathers g app
command generated application.
I made the following modifications:
1. /server/next-ssr.js - This where all the Next.js SSR logic is held.
2. /server/index.js - nextApp is used here to build Next.js on every nodemon restart.
3. /server/middleware/nextMiddleware.js - This middleware helps distinguish between Next.js SSR request and Feathers.js service requests.
4. /server/middleware/index.js - Change "app.use(nextMiddleware);" ---> TO --> "app.get('*', nextMiddleware);"
Install dependencies
1. npm i -g @feathersjs/cli - The feathers CLI 2. npm i - To install deps 3. npm i --only=dev - To install dev deps
3.a Start Production app
npm start
3.b Start Development app
npm run dev
- Profit $$$
Feathers has a powerful command line interface. Here are a few things it can do:
$ npm install -g @feathersjs/cli # Install Feathers CLI
$ feathers generate app # Generate a Feathers.js Application
$ feathers generate service # Generate a new Service
$ feathers generate hook # Generate a new Hook
$ feathers help # Show all commands