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Database sync daemon

Linkesh Diwan edited this page Jun 19, 2013 · 1 revision

Guidelines for DB Sync Daemon

The DB Sync Daemon is a bonus challenge; it can be either built into your code, or as a separate program.

It must establish two communication buffers: a transmit queue, and a receive queue, as shown below.

For now, use text files for the two queues.

The messages should be formulated as in Saving,-Storing,-Sending-Messages

The DB Sync Daemon is necessary to make sure that messages entered on one device gets entered on all devices in the area. It's job is to facilitate two-way synchronization of the database over small SMS-length packets.

  1. Data is saved as a record to the database on the user's machine.
  2. The Database Sync daemon on their machine formulates the new record into an APRS message (as below), and puts the message into a transmit queue.
  3. Another program (to be written) takes messages from the queue and transmits them across the network. This is not part of this challenge.
  4. Another program (to be written) listens to the network, and writes down the messages it hears and puts them into a receive queue. (also not part of the challenge).
  5. The Database Sync daemon monitors the receive queue, and inserts messages from it after validating (make sure that all required data fields are present)