egg view plugin for pug.
npm i egg-view-pug --save
// {app_root}/config/plugin.js
exports.pug = {
enable: true,
package: 'egg-view-pug'
// {app_root}/config/config.default.js
exports.view = {
mapping: {
'.pug': 'pug',
// configuration
exports.pug = {}
Create a pug file
//- app/view/hello.pug
extend layout/main
block header
include partial/header
block content
| hello #{data}
Render it
// app/controller/CONTROLLER.js
exports = {
* ACTION (ctx) {
yield ctx.render('hello.pug', {
data: 'world'
The file will be compiled and cached, you can change config.pug.cache = false
to disable cache, it's disable in local env by default.
see config/config.default.js for more detail.