Added new sub-commands shacl
, allowing to validate RDF graphs against SHACL shapes.
Added new sub-commands remote-sparql
, allowing to execute SPARQL queries on remote endpoints (see issue #135 ).
Added the verbose option to Corese-command.
Added support for property files to Corese-command.
Added -no-owl-import
option to Corese-command (see issue #134 ).
Added output format N-Triples
to Corese-command convert sub-command.
Added output format N-Quads
to Corese-command convert sub-command.
Improved RDF serializers (see issue #142 ).
Added support for property files to Corese-python.
Added -p
option to Corese-python allowing to customize communication between Python and Java (see issue #153 ).
Updated loading message in Corese-GUI (see issue #156 ).
Moved hint messages in Corese-Command to the standard error stream.
Moved error messages to the standard error stream (see issue #141 and issue #142 ).
Fixed support of data managers for SHACL in Corese-Server.
Fixed Trig serialization to escape special characters (see issue #151 ).
Fixed federated query with PREFIX statements failing under some conditions (see issue #140 ).
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