- Designed to be the best in the world in performance and development turn around time.
- NoOps Lightspeed LifeCycle.
- React Native in TypeScript for web, native apps.
- Serverless functions deployed with unlimited bandwidth written in either python or node, you decide as you code
- No backend/API development ever required.
- No DevOps ever required.
- Global scale with best possible network I/O and time & space in mind, automatically.
- Free for first 10k users, cheap for next ten million, expensive for second billion.
- Build once, build beautiful, build perfect, build fast.
- Be the best in the world at what we do.
- Push to master for auto deploy.
- One repo for everything.
- Mint condition first edition charizard level work flow.
- BizLogic stays in classes.
- Write components that can be used across different screens.
- Combine data with selectors on the front end, not by query building and relying on cloud data layer.
- Tightly couple features to screens.
- Write templates and generate ip. Slow is fast.
- Download the repo and cd
git clone <repo uri> && cd SuperLearn
- Request IAM dev and devOps service account from William
Phone 0423 965 305
- File Permissions For DevTools
chmod a+rwx * && sudo chown -RW $(whoami) *
- Install dependencies
yarn add *
- Install XCode Developer Tools (iPhone simulator)
xcode-select --install
- Accept Apple Developer Licence Conditions
- Install Android Emulator
sudo npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli
- Install brew (macOS)
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- Install AWS command line tools + conf
sudo npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli && amplify configure
- Install serverless framework + conf
sudo npm install -g serverless && serverless config credentials --provider provider --key key --secret secret
- Start the local dev server
cd SuperLearn && yarn start
- Download client app on mobile and scan QR code for Native App
ios: andorid:
- Open Chrome Dev Tools for Web App
amplify push
- Serverless dev-env push [[DANGER ZONE, TODO PROD ACCESS CONF]]
serverless deploy
Slow is fast here, take the time to learn before contributing, and then move at lightspeed
- JavaScript ES6 Basics (1 hours)
- TypeScript Essentials (3 hours)
- GraphQl Essentials (2 hours)
- React Extended EcoSystem (3.5 hours)
- React Native Tutorial (1 hour)
- Expo Tutorial (2 hours)
- AWS Certified Archietect (10 hours)
- Learning AWS Amplify (2 hours)
- AWS Serverless Applications (12 hours)
- Language - TypeScript
- Client - React (Native, Web)
- Cloud Native - Amplify/AWS SDK
- State Management - Redux
- Async I/O Management - Redux Sagas
- View Controller - React Navigation
- Deployment - Expo
- Time & Space Query Optimisation - Reselect
- Run Time Dynamic Presentation - Styled Components
- Language - Python || Node.js (decide as you go for solo functions)
- Ops - Serverless Framework
- React Native Components
[[Script for this is broken!!]]
- Generic Node Serverless
yarn serverless-node --FUNC 'Function Name'
- Generic Python Serverless
yarn serverless-python --FUNC 'Function Name'
- Python ec2 start stop (compute tasks)
- Python s3 bucket (storage)
- NodeJS HTTP Crud W Database (speedy rest)
- NodeJS WebHook Triggered Functions (speedy pub sub design)
Seperation of concerns between who, what, document
├───Operations/ <THINGS WE DO>
│ ├───Course.ts
│ ├───LearningOutcome.ts
│ ├───Lesson.ts
│ ├───Pathway.ts
│ ├───Schedule.ts
│ ├───Wallet.ts
│ └───interface.ts
├───People/ <WHO WE ARE>
│ ├───Coach.ts
│ ├───Parent.ts
│ ├───Person.ts
│ ├───Student.ts
│ └───interface.ts
├───Records/ <WHAT WE DOCUMENT>
│ ├───BillingRecord.ts
│ ├───CoachPerformanceRecord.ts
│ ├───FeedbackRecord.ts
│ ├───OutcomeRecord.ts
│ ├───Record.ts
│ ├───StudentActivityRecord.ts
│ └───interface.ts
Follow top to bottom. Unidirectional data flow when possible.
├───sagas/ <async i/o>
│ ├───*
├───reducers/ <state>
│ ├───*
├───navigation/ <view controller>
│ ├─── *
├───selectors/ <queries>
│ ├─── *
├───components/ <UI>
│ ├─── *
├───screens/ <view rendering>
│ ├───*
├───actions/ <user events>
│ ├─── *
├───middleware/ <side effect hooks>
│ ├───*
├───analytics/ *
Every cloud func has its own folder with devOps & devSecOps config. This is all our automated tasks in cloud. Pick the language depending on the task, use the command line to generate.
│ ├───nodejs-crud-http-endpoint-trigger-template/
│ │ ├───todos/
│ │ │ ├───create.js
│ │ │ ├───delete.js
│ │ │ ├───get.js
│ │ │ ├───list.js
│ │ │ └───update.js
│ │ ├───.gitignore
│ │ ├───
│ │ ├───package.json
│ │ └───serverless.yml
│ ├───nodejs-generic-http-endpoint-trigger-template/
│ │ ├───.idea/
│ │ │ ├───codeStyles/
│ │ │ │ └───codeStyleConfig.xml
│ │ │ ├───.gitignore
│ │ │ ├───aws.xml
│ │ │ ├───modules.xml
│ │ │ ├───nodejs-example.iml
│ │ │ └───workspace.xml
│ │ ├───.gitignore
│ │ ├───handler.js
│ │ └───serverless.yml
│ ├───python-ec2-start-stop-template/
│ │ ├───.serverless/
│ │ │ ├───cloudformation-template-create-stack.json
│ │ │ ├───cloudformation-template-update-stack.json
│ │ │ ├───
│ │ │ └───serverless-state.json
│ │ ├───.gitignore
│ │ ├───
│ │ └───serverless.yml
│ └───python-serverless-s3-bucket-template/
│ ├───.serverless/
│ │ ├───cloudformation-template-create-stack.json
│ │ ├───cloudformation-template-update-stack.json
│ │ ├───
│ │ └───serverless-state.json
│ ├───.gitignore
│ ├───
│ └───serverless.yml
└───serverless.yml <- DANGER ZONE
Datastore is an abstraction API layer that handles on device local storage and syncs automatically with AWS databases through magic (which can be configed for optimal performance). Redux is a commonly used state management process, which will tie directly into AWS abstracting all concerns related to backend.
Redux sagas allow for async without side effects or race conditions. Sagas run the generator pattern on async operations for things that need to use business logic in real time (eg payments).
Reselect uses the memo pattern for complex business logic on the front end, to remove advanced queries on the back end. It can combine different datasets into one dataset for any given component. This allows for maximum efficiency on where we place front and backend compute tasks. It will act as a default query engine on the front end with minimal i/o.
- Unidirectional dataflow skeleton (redux, reselect) [x]
- AWS application init [x]
- AWS deployed [x]
- Code Generation [x]
- Serverless Python [x]
- Serverless Node [x]
- Cloud Templates [x]
- Init Redux Store [x]
- AWS live [x]
- Embed AWS into dataflow skeleton [BLOCKED]
- Auth (cognito) [x]
- GraphQl CRUD API's complete for current app lifecycle [x]
- Components mapped [x]
- DevOps completer [x]
- Alpha testing of student management services [[Needs KPIS && Change Management Process]]
- Payments gateway [[Needs Scope]]
- No defined scope [[Actioned: Charlie Responsible]]
- Browser video chat rather than zoom
- All student management in app
- All third party edu vendors launched from app with re-dir & auth
- All sections automated
- Learning pathways established
│ └───serverless.yml