This application shows an implementation of a fictitious airline called "Acme Air". The application was built with the some key business requirements: the ability to scale to billions of web API calls per day, the need to develop and deploy the application in public clouds (as opposed to dedicated pre-allocated infrastructure), and the need to support multiple channels for user interaction (with mobile enablement first and browser/Web 2.0 second).
There are two implementations of the application tier. Each application implementation, supports multiple data tiers. They are:
- acmeair-common: The Java entities used throughout the application.
- acmeair-customer-common: The common files of customer service which could be used by other module who want to use customer service.
- acmeair-customer-service: The micro service of customer service.
- acmeair-loader: A tool to load the Java implementation data store.
- acmeair-services: The Java data services interface definitions.
- acmeair-service-morphia: A mongodb data service implementation.
- acmeair-booking-service: The micro service of booking service.
- acmeair-webapp: The Web 2.0 application frontend which accesses the customer service for login and booking service for booking flight.
Development Environment
- Install Maven to build the code.
- We use Docker to run the integration test.
- We use ServiceCenter as service discovery registry.
- We use MongoDB as Data Service (it is optional.)
Instructions to build the code base
You can build the code by using maven from the root without running the test
mvn clean install -Dtest=false -DfailIfNoTests=false
You can build the code by using maven from the root without using docker
mvn clean install
If you want to build the docker image and run the integration tests with docker, you can use the Profile of Docker just like this
mvn clean install -Pdocker
If you are using docker machine, please use the following command
mvn clean install -Pdocker -Pdocker-machine
Running Application
The Acmeair Application have three separated services process: acmeair-customer-service, acmeair-booking-service and acmeair-webapp. Acmeair Application also need to use the Service Registry servcie-center to find out the services which it dependents. acmeair-booking-service and acmeair-customer-service can use the outside mongoDB service or use the in memory DB by using active profile.
Here are the dependencies of these services:
acmeair-webapp -----> acmeair-booking-service (DB) -----+ | | | | | | | | | | v | | +--> acmeair-customer-service (DB)-----+ | | | | | V V +-------------------------------------------->Service Registry
Running Application with docker-compose
cd docker-compose/service-comb; docker-compose up
Running Application with docker-compose and pre-loaded customers/flights data
cd docker-compose/service-comb; docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.perf.yml up
Running Application with java command
1.Running ServiceCenter with docker
docker run -d -p 30100:30100 servicecomb/service-center
2.Running MongoDB With docker (optional)
docker run -p 27017:27017 mongo
3.Starting acmeair-customer-service
#Running the customer service with in memory DB java -Dcse.service.registry.address=http://localhost:30100 -jar acmeair-customer-service/target/acmeair/acmeair-customer-service-exec.jar #Running the customer service with mongoDB service java -Dcse.service.registry.address=http://localhost:30100 -jar acmeair-customer-service/target/acmeair/acmeair-customer-service-exec.jar
4.Starting acmeair-booking-service
#Running the booking service with in memory DB java -Dcse.service.registry.address=http://localhost:30100 -jar acmeair-booking-service/target/acmeair/acmeair-booking-service-exec.jar # Running the booking service with mongoDB service java -Dcse.service.registry.address=http://localhost:30100 -jar acmeair-booking-service/target/acmeair/acmeair-booking-service-exec.jar
5.Starting acmeair-webapp
java -Dcse.service.registry.address=http://localhost:30100 -jar acmeair-webapp/target/acmeair/acmeair-webapp-exec.jar
6.Access the acmeair-webapp from browser with below address
Running AcmeAir on bare metal kubernetes cluster
Reference to Run Acmeair on Kubernetes
Running AcmeAir on Google Compute Engine
The default Java version is 1.7 on Google Compute Engine but AcmeAir is using 1.8. Run the following command to set up Java 8 on Google Compute Engine.
sudo update-alternatives --set java /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/
Auto deploy on Huawei Cloud
To auto compile, build, deploy and run this demo on Huawei Cloud's Service Stage Platform, you need the following steps:1.A registered Service Stage account.
2.Auto build and publish your docker image to Huawei's Image Warehouse, details can refer to auto publish guide.
3.Auto deploy using Huawei Cloud's orchestration feature, details can refer to orchestration guide.
本章节介绍基于华为微服务云应用平台Service Stage ,实现自动编译、构建、部署和运行的步骤。
1.一个已注册的Service Stage帐号。
2.自动编译、构建和发布Docker镜像到华为的镜像仓库,详情可见自动发布指南 。
3.使用华为云的编排功能自动部署微服务,详情可见自动部署指南 。