A custom color and transparency gradient theme for the Streamlabs Twitch chatbox widget
The theme provides code to allow for the colors of the chat text and usernames to be colored and transparent based on their relative position in the chatbox. The configuration of the gradients can be set to include any number of colors, though any more than about 20 doesn't have much effect bacause of the number of messages possible in the chatbox.
- If disabled, enable custom HTML/CSS on your Streamlabs chatbox widget dashboard (https://streamlabs.com/dashboard#/chatbox)
- Copy the files into their respective text boxes
- chatbox.html into the HTML text box
- chatbox.css into the CSS text box
- chatbox.js into the JS text box
- If there is not a tab for Custom Fields, click the Add Custom Fields button below the aforementioned text box
- Click the Edit Custom Fields button below the example custom fields
- Copy the chatbox.json into the Custom Fields text box
- Click the Update button to save the custom fields.
- Make any changes required to the custom fields.
- Click the Save Settings button
- Enjoy