Documentations of Html to every open source technologies. It's a low-code repository This respository is specially for newcomers who wants to enhance their documentation skills by making small/large projects.
If you have a idea of any web projects you want to build just open an appropriate issue regarding this, we will discuss and assign you that issue. In case you are confused and have queries, just ping me, will help you get along and build!
Branch naming convention is as following
can be:
- feat - is a new project
- doc - documentation only changes
- fix - a bug fix/improving of any project
All PRs must include a commit message with the changes description!
For the initial start, fork the project and use git clone command to download the repository to your computer
git pull
, before creating a new branch, pull the changes from upstream. Your master needs to be up to date.
$ git pull
- Create new branch from
$ git checkout -b [name_of_your_new_branch]
Work - commit - repeat ( be sure to be in your branch )
Push changes to GitHub
$ git push origin [name_of_your_new_branch]
Submit your changes for review If you go to your repository on GitHub, you'll see a
Compare & pull request
button. Click on that button. -
Start a Pull Request Now submit the pull request and click on
Create pull request
. -
Get a code review approval/reject
After approval, merge your PR
GitHub will automatically delete the branch after the merge is done. (they can still be restored).
You made it! 🎊
Thanks to all the people who have contributed: