Parses WCL fights and converts it into SimC events
python REPORTID FIGHTID [--print]
e.g. python DCXQbaV8j26mxfwJ 237
- REPORTID: Report ID for the log
- FIGHTID: Specific Fight ID that corresponds to the dungeon fight of a log.
in the root directory with the following contents:
api_key = 'XXX'
You can go to WCL to get your api key (scroll down on your profile page).
You can see the output raid event file in output/raid_events.simc
. It will contain the following:
- first event that makes the default boss of simc invulnerable (similar to Dungeonslice)
- set the sim time to the duration of the dungeon based on the FIGHTID given
- list of raid events for each add wave corresponding to each dungeon pull