A complete WaniKani API client for .net, available on NuGet, and compatible with .net 4.5 and .net Core.
WaniKaniApiSharp is a .net library that allows you to easily query the official WaniKani API.
The currently supported API version is V1.4.
Everything featured in the official WaniKani API documentation is implemented. All query methods are XML documented and unit tested.
First, reference the WaniKaniApiSharp NuGet Package (or the DLL).
The main class you will be using is WaniKaniApi.WaniKaniClient
. You can instantiate it with an API key:
var client = new WaniKaniApi.WaniKaniClient("EnterYourApiKeyHere");
Using the client is very simple. Here is the list of queries you can use:
Also note that each query has an asynchronous version:
WaniKaniApi.Models.WaniKaniLevelProgression result = await client.GetLevelProgressionAsync();
Here is an example showing a random kanji from the first three levels, with its level and current SRS step:
var client = new WaniKaniApi.WaniKaniClient("EnterYourApiKeyHere");
var kanjiList = client.GetKanji(1, 2, 3);
var random = new System.Random();
var kanji = kanjiList[random.Next(kanjiList.Count)];
System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} is WK level {1} and is currently {2}", kanji.Character, kanji.Level, kanji.UserInfo.SrsLevel));
// Example output would be: "川 is WK level 1 and is currently Burned"
If you notice something wrong or think a feature is missing, file an issue here on GitHub.
If you want to make a pull request, please make sure that all unit tests are passing, and be sure to add new unit tests for your features when it is relevant.
The library is available under the MIT License.