+ Spring Boot
+ Spring Cloud微服务
+ Docker
⭐基于 Spring Cloud Alibaba 微服务架构 的编程题目评测系统。系统能够根据管理员预设的题目用例对用户提交的代码进行执行和评测;
🧑💻微服务框架使用 Spring Cloud Alibaba 云原生应用脚手架自动生成,本项目也是参照Cloud Alibaba
- 框架:Spring Boot
- 微服务:Spring Cloud
- 网关:Gateway
- 消息队列:RabbitMQ
- 注册中心:Nacos
- 数据库:MySQL
For further reference, please consider the following sections:
- Official Apache Maven documentation
- Spring Boot Maven Plugin Reference Guide
- Create an OCI image
- Nacos Service Discovery
- Spring Cloud Alibaba Sentinel
- Spring Boot DevTools
- Spring Web
- MyBatis Framework
The following guides illustrate how to use some features concretely: