A fast horizontally scalable cloud friendly control panel based in puppet + nginx + padrino + mongodb + slim + ajax + all the good stuff
Please install Vagrant and rvm from their web, not from apt or pip
This has been tested under:
- Linux + rvm + Virtualbox
- Mac OS X + rvm + Virtualbox
Note: If you just want to run the Padrino web panel (for development) you can just launch it (and launch also mongodb) and skip the next Vagrant stuff
- Virtualbox:
vagrant up --provider=virtualbox
It will work also with docker soon ...
This takes a while to start.
You need to redirect your local 80 port to the local port 8080 and add to your /etc/hosts file pointing to localhost ex:
echo "" >> /etc/hosts
sudo ssh -nNT -L 80:localhost:8080 user@localhost
Then you'll have the panel up and running at
Once the machine is started, ensure you load your mongodb with data, please check Padrino documentation about setting up the admin panel superadmin and loading data via the padrino admin panel.