COLORIS SYSTEM a User Interface controlling an Automated Slide Stainer machine
The Coloration Automate System is one of the important systems used in the Medical Fields, it provides staining flexibility allowing simultaneous and automatic staining of various 30-slide racks with identical or different staining protocols.
This UI Control System consists of 3 main parts:
the main window permit to the user to manipulate the process of the Automate including Running the process, Interuption, and Restart. Visualizing each step and timing module and be able to enter the program and configure the system.
this window is focused on the program(include timers) that should the machine follow to complet the process, it allows you to add a new program, modefy an existing one and select.
this last window allow the user to interact with the machine manually and configure each axe independenly before starting the process.
In our System we are using Orange Pi LTS 3 microcontroller(raspberry-like) to control and to display the system regarding its ability to display a modern UI and to manipulate the hardware part.
we used TB6600 as a motor driver relating to it's flexibility and adaptation with high current.
we have chosen NEMA 17 as Stepper motor to control the main axes of the robot.
the main sensors used in the system are : a- position tracking sensor (PhotoTransistor sensor F249) b- start/end detector (4 limit switches "2 for each axe") c- temperature and humidity sensor( DHT11)
in our case we used Jumpers for wiring and 12V power supply with a converter to 5V.
we worked with a 5 inch Screen touch which is flexible and has a nice view.
create a virtual envirennement and install the following modules 1 - Tkinter library 2 - Pillow library 3 - Threading library 4 - datetime library 5 - CSV library 6 - Os and subprocess Library