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Development Workflow

Trygve Utstumo edited this page Oct 10, 2015 · 5 revisions

Branch Conventions

Ongoing development happens in a branch called next.

Only time-critical bugfixes go directly into master (but this will be the case only until Vundle is capable of locking to a version, after that, nothing gets commited to master).

When next has enough changes, it gets merged back to master. This is done after a PR has been created and discussed.


Vundle uses, currently, a relaxed form of semantic versioning. While Vundle has not reached version 1.0.0, this is how versions change:

When branch next is merged into master:

  • PATCH is increased if the merge only includes bugfixes that don't change Vundle's externals.
  • MINOR is increased if the merge includes at least one new feature or some change to Vundle's externals, even if it is of an optional nature.

Automated Testing

There is a beginning initiative for setting up automated testing for the Vundle project. Please see #619

  • Create TravisCI account for Vundle.
  • Define test criteria for Vundle.


Described in Handling Issues.

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