You are a developer at the new Car Search team at Clidrive. Implement a simple portal where a user can see a list of cars with the most relevant details and filter by some attributes.
To complete your assignment:
Find a free API that exposes details about cars. There’s plenty - we want to see what you find out there. No need to display car images.
Implement a home page using Next.js and Typescript that shows the cars returned by the API with a pagination or infinite scroll that loads 50 cars at the time. You can also use any libraries you think make sense.
Implement a filter system so the user can filter by a few of the most relevant attributes using a Next.js API function.
Deploy it somewhere we can access it.
Don’t spend too much time working on this assignment. We are looking for a good basic structure that follows best practices, not something very pretty and comprehensive.
First, run the development server:
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
I used the free version of's API. There's a limitation imposed to free users that partially censors data of cars from years different than 2020. That means that selecting any other year will not display full data.