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RabbitMQ Bulk Loader


The VoltDB RabbitMQ bulk loader can populate VoltDB tables by using a RabbitMQ message queue as a data source. It can consume messages that are in comma-separated-value (CSV) format.

To run you will need a distribution archive file that contains all the required dependencies, e.g. library jar files. The distribution also provides a front end script to run the program. You can either build the distribution yourself (see Building below) or download it (t.b.d.).

Installing the distribution

You may unpack the distribution archive any where you wish. It creates a sub- directory with a name resembling the archive name. Feel free to use either a graphical or a command line extraction tool. Use one of the following shell commands to extract either the ".tgz" ("tarball") or ".zip" archive files.

tar xvz rabbitmqloader-VERSION.tgz

Note that in a build environment the distribution files may be found (after running "gradle assemble") in the following sub-directory:


Running from the distribution

The working directory does not matter. The examples below are based on the extracted archive root as the working directory. They also assume that RabbitMQ is hosted on RHOST and VoltDB is hosted on VHOST.

Note that a variety of options are available to support different ways of specifying RabbitMQ resources, e.g. with an exchange, a virtual host, or an AMQP URI.

Refer to the command line help screen for the most up-to-date syntax reference.

Displaying command line help

bin/rabbitmqloader --help

Example: Populate the VORDERS table from the RORDERS queue

bin/rabbitmqloader --host RHOST --queue RORDERS --servers VHOST VORDERS

Example: Populate from the RORDERS queue via the AddOrder stored procedure

bin/rabbitmqloader --host RHOST --queue RORDERS --servers VHOST -p AddOrder


Here are a few useful build commands. Make sure Gradle ( is installed.

List gradle tasks

gradle tasks --all

Retrieves a list of all possible gradle tasks (similar to ant targets).

Build everything

gradle build

Clean build output

gradle clean

Build distribution archives

gradle assemble

Generate Eclipse projects

gradle eclipse

Clean Eclipse projects

gradle cleaneclipse

Directory structure


Contains source and object files for the RabbitMQ to VoltDB bulk loader.


Contains source and object files for utility classes used by the bulk loader and also by test programs.


Contains convenience scripts to administer the project and to simplify running the programs that are produced.

Running in a build environment using Gradle

Programs can be run using gradle as follows:

gradle <program>:run [-Drun.args="<command-line-arguments>"]

This displays the help screen for the bulk loader:

gradle rabbitmq-bulk-loader:run -Drun.args=--help

This runs the send test and sends a 2 column CSV (string,integer) row to the RabbitMQ queue named "test" every .1 to .5 seconds:

gradle test-rabbitmq-csv-send:run -Drun.args="--queue test -g si --sleepmin 100 --sleepmax 500"

This starts VoltDB, creates a corresponding 2 column table and runs the bulk loader to load the above CSV output into that table.

voltdb create
sqlcmd --query="create table mytable (c1 varchar(100), c2 integer)"
gradle rabbitmq-bulk-loader:run -Drun.args="--queue test mytable"

Running in a build environment using scripts

The scripts for running the built programs merely simplify the syntax for invoking the appropriate gradle run task.

The above examples can also be run as follows. Note that you may want to run the send command and or VoltDB in the background, e.g. by appending '&' in bash or by running one or both in a separate shell.

scripts/rabbitmqloader --help
scripts/test-rabbitmq-csv-send --queue test -g si --sleepmin 100 --sleepmax 500
voltdb create
sqlcmd --query="create table mytable (c1 varchar(100), c2 integer)"
scripts/rabbitmqloader --queue test mytable


  • Move some utility classes to VoltDB client?
  • Upload to Maven repository
  • Print stats periodically (by insert count?) and before exiting, e.g. due to Ctrl-C.
  • Add log4j.xml.


RabbitMQ Bulk Loader







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