- Create a new feature branch
- Create a new workload tfvars file for the new landingzone in the vars/$tenant/ folder, each workload has its own tfvars file, you can create multiple at once
- The tfvars file should be named $workload.tfvars (e.g. workload1.tfvars)
- The variables are listed below
- Create a PR and assign it to the CCT team
- Once the PR is approved and merged, the pipeline will run and create the landingzone(s)
- (required) management_group_name: Should be descriptive of the workloads that will be deployed under it. It has to be a 11 characters or less. it will be used in the naming as such: "mg-***-tst-lz-management_group_name"
- (required) parent_management_group_exists: Determines if you are using an existing management group or not. If set to true, the parent_management_group_name must exist (see previous point). If set to false, a new management group will be created under the "Landingzones" management group
- (required) subscription_type: The type of subscription, allowed types are:
oa: Office Automation
shared: Shared Components
client: Customer facing environment
iam: Identity and access management: e.g Domain Controllers
erp: Business Central
bi: Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing
iot: Internet of Things
Variable | Required | Description |
subscription_name | (required) | The name of the subscription, it will be used in the naming as such: "nl-***-***-subscription_name-prd" |
subscription_tags | (required) | Tags that will be applied to the subscription, Afdeling, Product and repository are required tags. The rest are optional |
stages | (required) | List of stages to create (each stage is a subscription). Should contain at least 1 stage. Can contain max 4 stages. Allowed stages are: dev, tst, acc, prd |
baseline_tags | (optional) | Tags that will be applied to all resources in the subscription |
contributors | (optional) | List of user_principals to add to the AAD contributer group |
readers | (optional) | List of user_principals to add to the AAD reader group |
dev_vnet_size | (optional) | If stage contains "dev" and you require a VNET, you can specify the size of the VNET here. Allowed sizes are: 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20 |
tst_vnet_size | (optional) | If stage contains "tst" and you require a VNET, you can specify the size of the VNET here. Allowed sizes are: 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20 |
acc_vnet_size | (optional) | If stage contains "acc" and you require a VNET, you can specify the size of the VNET here. Allowed sizes are: 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20 |
prd_vnet_size | (optional) | If stage contains "prd" and you require a VNET, you can specify the size of the VNET here. Allowed sizes are: 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20 |
subnets | (optional) | A list of subnets that you want to create in the VNETs. If you do not define subnets, none will be created. If you do not add a delegation, none will be created. IMPORTANT: to provision subnets, you will need to run the lzvm on an already existing landingzone that has a vnet. You will need to know the address space of the vnet to determine the address_prefix of the subnets, you need to manually calculate the address_prefix. Here is a link to a subnet calculator: https://www.davidc.net/sites/default/subnets/subnets.html |
github_oidc | (optional) | This is an object that will enable OIDC for the serviceprincipal of the subscription. It is a map of the following: - key = The name of the github repository that you want to have your sp attched to - environments = List of github environments that you want to be able to use OIDC with - branches = List of branches that you want to be able to use OIDC with |
# Example of the github_oidc object
github_oidc = {
# each key is the name of the github repository that you want to have your msi attched to
"my-first-awesome-repository" = {
# at least one of the following is required (wildcards are not supported)
environments = ["dev", "tst", "acc", "prd"] # optional
"my-second-awesome-repository" = {
# at least one of the following is required (wildcards are not supported)
environments = ["dev", "prd"] # optional
branches = ["main"] # optional
/28 | 9 | |
/27 | 25 | |
/26 | 57 | |
/25 | 121 | |
/24 | 249 | |
/23 | 505 | |
/22 | 1,017 | |
/21 | 2,041 | |
/20 | 4,089 |
# Management group that will be created under the "Landingzones" management group
# NOTE: If parent_management_group_exists is set to true, both the parent_management_group_name and management_group_name must exist!!!!
parent_management_group_exists = false
management_group_name = "nieuweworkload" # translates to mg-ssc-tst-lz-${management_group_name}
# subscription details for the naming convention and tagging
subscription_type = "shared"
subscription_name = "workload1"
subscription_tags = { "costcenter" : "823423", "environment" : "tst", "repository" : "cloud-platform-lzvm" }
baseline_tags = {"baseline" = "true"}
# list of stages to create (each stage is a subscription)
stages = ["dev", "tst"]
# list of user_principals to add to the contributer group *(optional)*
contributors = ["[email protected]"]
# list of user_principals to add to the reader group *(optional)*
readers = ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]
# VNET sizes for each stage, these are optional, if you do not define them, no network resources will be created
dev_vnet_size = "28"
# tst_vnet_size = "27"
# acc_vnet_size = "27"
# prd_vnet_size = "27"
github_oidc = {
# each key is the name of the github repository that you want to have your msi attched to
"my-first-awesome-repository" = {
# at least one of the following is required (wildcards are not supported)
environments = ["dev"] # optional
branches = ["main"] # optional