Used to get a GitHub Self-hosted runner token using GitHub App.
The big reason for this is to be able to create a GitHub App that is limited to only self-hosted runners with no other access, being able to use this in automation projects and ephemeral buld agents.
The stdout
will be the token that can be used to configure the self-hosted runner. It can either be configured through cli parameters or using secrets in Azure KeyVault (ENV and CLI authentication methods are supported).
Example usage can be found here.
The following is needed:
- App ID
- Installation ID
- Organization name
- Private Key
Do the following: GitHub -> Organization -> Settings -> Developer Settings -> GitHub Apps -> New GitHub App:
- GitHub App name:
- Homepage URL: http://localhost
- Webhook > Active: [ ]
- Organization permissions > Self-hosted runners: Read & write
- Where can this GitHub App be installed? > [v] Only on this account
- Press Create GitHub App
Document the App ID
In the app, go to Install App
- Select
on organization - Verify the permissions and organization, press
The URL you will be sent to will be something like:<organization name>/settings/installations/<installation id>
Document the Installation ID
from the URL.
Go back to App Settings, in General go to Private Key and press Generate a private key.
Download the Private key
and store it somewhere secure.
go run cmd/github-runner/main.go --organization weaveworks-gitops-poc --app-id <id> --installation-id <id> --private-key-path <file>
az keyvault secret set --vault-name <Azure KeyVault Name> --name github-private-key --file <private key file>
az keyvault secret set --vault-name <Azure KeyVault Name> --name github-organization --value <GitHub organization name>
az keyvault secret set --vault-name <Azure KeyVault Name> --name github-app-id --value <GitHub Application ID>
az keyvault secret set --vault-name <Azure KeyVault Name> --name github-installation-id --value <GitHub Installation ID>
go run cmd/github-runner/main.go --value-source AZURE_KEYVAULT --azure-keyvault-name <Azure KeyVault Name> --organization-kvsecret github-organization --app-id-kvsecret github-app-id --installation-id-kvsecret github-installation-id --private-key-kvsecret github-private-key
go run cmd/github-runner/main.go --value-source AZURE_KEYVAULT --azure-keyvault-name <Azure KeyVault Name> --organization-kvsecret github-organization --app-id-kvsecret github-app-id --installation-id-kvsecret github-installation-id --private-key-kvsecret github-private-key --azure-auth CLI
Argument | Description | Type / Options | Default | Required when |
--token-type |
Token type to get from GitHub. | REGISTER REMOVE |
Never |
--azure-auth |
The Azure authentication method. | ENV CLI |
Never |
--output |
How should the output be printed. | TOKEN JSON |
Never |
--value-source |
Source of the GitHub values. | ARGUMENTS AZURE_KEYVAULT |
Never |
--organization |
Name of the GitHub organization. | string |
"" |
--value-source ARGUMENTS |
--app-id |
Application ID of the GitHub App. | string |
"" |
--value-source ARGUMENTS |
--installation-id |
Installation ID of the GitHub App. | int64 |
0 |
--value-source ARGUMENTS |
--private-key-path |
The private key (PEM format) from the GitHub App. | int64 |
0 |
--value-source ARGUMENTS |
--azure-keyvault-name |
The name of the Azure KeyVault containing the secrets. | string |
"" |
--value-source AZURE_KEYVAULT |
--organization-kvsecret |
The key name of the Azure KeyVault secret containing the organization name value. | string |
"" |
--value-source AZURE_KEYVAULT |
--app-id-kvsecret |
The name of the Azure KeyVault containing the secrets. | string |
"" |
--value-source AZURE_KEYVAULT |
--installation-id-kvsecret |
The key name of the Azure KeyVault secret containing the Installation ID name value. | string |
"" |
--value-source AZURE_KEYVAULT |
--private-key-kvsecret |
he key name of the Azure KeyVault secret containing the GitHub Private Key value. | string |
"" |
--value-source AZURE_KEYVAULT |
--azure-keyvault-name |
The name of the Azure KeyVault containing the secrets. | string |
"" |
--value-source AZURE_KEYVAULT |