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MEAN Stack Template

Quick and simple template to get up and running with a MEAN stack web app inside of docker.


  • Docker and Docker Networking
  • Grunt Workflows (Dev & Dist)
  • JS, Angular and CSS Minify
  • Jade and Stylus Templates
  • Winston File & Console Logging
  • Mocha, Karma and Chai Testing
  • Runs under PM2 (Multi-Core)


  • Docker
  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • AngularJS
  • NodeJS
  • Semantic UI
  • Mongoose


You will need to have the following packages installed on your machine.


You can install the grunt command line tools with the following command.

sudo npm install -g grunt-cli


Now install the project dependancies and setup the development environment.

git clone

npm install
grunt setup

If prompted for input use the default location or setting. (Press Enter)

Configure SSL

To use the https protocol we can sign our own SSL certificate for now.

cd server/config/ssl
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365

We must now unlock the certificate by entering the same password we entered above.

openssl rsa -in key.pem -out newkey.pem && mv newkey.pem key.pem

We're now ready to start using the development environment commands.

Directory Structure

  • client - Client side website source.
  • client/tests - Testing setup for client website.
  • data - Development database binary files.
  • dist - Production ready distribution builds.
  • logs - Development JSON log files.
  • public - Built and minified client side website.
  • semantic - User interface framework source.
  • server - Server side application source.
  • server/api - API endpoints for server app.
  • server/app - Core functions for server app.
  • server/config - Configurations for server app.
  • server/config/ssl - SSL certificates for server app.
  • server/models - Database models and schemas for server app.
  • server/test - Testing setup for server app.

File Structure

  • bower.json - Client website package dependancies.
  • docker-compose.yml - Layout for running distribution build with compose.
  • Dockerfile.mongo - MongoDB database docker definition for distribution build.
  • Dockerfile.node - NodeJS application docker definition for distribution build.
  • Grunt.js - Workflow and build tasks.
  • MongoDB.js - Executed in MongoDB on database setup.
  • package.json - Server application package dependancies.
  • semantic.json - User interface framework configuration.
  • - Start or stop the production server.


For development the primary working directories are.

  • client - Client side website source.
  • semantic - User interface framework source.
  • server - Server side application source.

You can start the development server which will rebuild any changes live.

grunt dev

Press control + c to stop and exit the development server.

Make sure the development server is stopped after you've finished working.

grunt stop

Use the following to reset the development server database and logs.

grunt reset

The development server stores its data and logs in the local directory.


Use the following commands to log messages directly to the console and logs directory

log.error('ERROR'); //Error log file
log.warn('WARN'); //Info log file'info'); //Info log file
log.verbose('verbose'); //Access log file


You can make changes to the user interface and themes in the semantic directory but must rebuild them to take affect.

grunt semantic

To add libraries to the client website first install them with bower.

bower install --save --allow-root jquery

Then add them to Gruntfile.js under the copy:build task and they be copied to the /libs/ directory upon build.

Also make sure you add them to karma.conf.js under files if you need them to be included in client website testing.


You can execute the automated unit tests either combined or individually for the server and client.

grunt test
grunt test:client
grunt test:server

Test files should be included in the server and client directories and use the following filenames.


The data and logs directories are not exposed when testing and will be reset after each test run.

You can also add testing libraries for the client website using bower.

bower install --save-dev --allow-root angular-mocks

Then add them to Gruntfile.js under the copy:test task and they be copied to the /libs/ directory upon testing.

Also make sure you add them to karma.conf.js under files so they are included when testing.


To compile and archive a production ready distribution build using the following commands.

grunt dist
grunt archive

These files will be generated in the dist directory.

  • mean_*.tar.gz - Compressed version of all the files below.
  • docker-compose.yml - Layout for running distribution build with compose.
  • mean_app.tar - MongoDB docker image for distribution build.
  • mean_db.tar - NodeJS docker image for distribution build.
  • MongoDB.js - Executed in MongoDB on database setup.
  • - Start or stop the production server.

Executing Locally

To setup and reset your production database use the following command

cd dist
./ reset

Use the file to start and stop your production app within docker.

./ start
./ stop

Executing Externally

When transferred to another host you will need to either pull or load the docker images again and setup the production database.

chmod +x

docker load < mean_app.tar
docker load < mean_db.tar

./ reset

You can then use the same commands mentioned above to execute the production app.


MEAN Stack Template for AngularJS and Docker







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