Tin Drum is a Sketch plugin that helps you create you typography system fast.
Tin Drum uses the selected text layers as your future styles. Then, it collects your Document Colors and creates a text layer for each selected alignment.
In "scientific" terms, this is what happens: (Text Layer × Colors × Alignment) × number of Text Layers.
Please send suggestions, congratulations and complaints to: [email protected]
You can install Tin Drum using Sketchpacks
- Download the latest release of the plugin
- Un-zip
- Double-click on tin-drum.sketchplugin
- Create as many Text layers as you'd like, preferably one for each text appearance i.e. H1, H2, H3, P and so forth
- Add as many colors into Document Colors
- Plugins > Tin Drum > Run
- Select alignments, Remove unnecessary colors and hit Drum Roll
- Your styles are ready!
Tin Drum was created for my personal use after years of frustratingly trying to manage my text styles. I used to use Styles Generator combined with Rename-It.
Tin Drums creates styles in the following format:
{ Layer Name } / { Alignment } / { Color }
Slowly but surely I will be developing the perfect UI for the plugin, and I would love to hear your thoughts! So please send suggestions, congratulations and complaints to: [email protected]