A Gulp plugin for commiting and retreiving code to / from your Screeps account. The plugin is based on the grunt equivalent.
var gulp = require('gulp');
var screeps = require('gulp-screeps');
var options = { /* ... */ }
gulp.task('pull', function() {
return gulp.src('*.js')
gulp.task('pull', function() {
options.action = "pull";
return screeps(options)
If you don't want to commit your account information, require an other module and export an option object. Don't forget to add the file to your .gitignore.
var gulp = require('gulp');
var screeps = require('gulp-screeps');
var credentials = require('./credentials.js');
gulp.task('pull', function() {
return gulp.src('*.js')
gulp.task('pull', function() {
credentials.action = "pull";
return screeps(credentials)
module.exports = {
email: 'EMAIL',
password: 'PASSWORD',
branch: 'default',
ptr: false,
host: 'someprivateserver.com',
port: 9000,
secure: false
- email - the email of your account
- password - the password of your account
- branch (optional) - the branch you wish to commit the code to (default : "default")
- ptr (optional) - use Public Test Realm (default : false)
- host (optional) - the url of the host (default : "screeps.com")
- port (optional) - the port of the host (default : 443)
- secure (optional) - if the host is using https instead of http (default : port == 443)
- action (optional) - either "pull" or "push" (default : "push")