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Subtraction in NatInt
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We add two axioms in NatInt to restrict the models to exactly the
integers and the natural numbers (with `pred 0 = 0`). This allows
us to prove lemmas such as `sub_succ` and then prove many properties of
`sub` which are shared between the natural numbers and the integers.

We also remove references to old NZAxiomsSig modules.
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Villetaneuse committed Mar 5, 2024
1 parent 9fdbaae commit c11e044
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Showing 8 changed files with 303 additions and 18 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion theories/Numbers/Cyclic/Abstract/NZCyclic.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Require Import Lia.
a power of 2.

Module NZCyclicAxiomsMod (Import Cyclic : CyclicType) <: NZAxiomsSig.
Module NZCyclicAxiomsMod (Import Cyclic : CyclicType) <: NZBasicFunsSig.

Local Open Scope Z_scope.

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZAddOrder.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ intros n m p q H1 H2. apply (lt_le_add_lt (- m) (- n));
[now apply -> opp_lt_mono | now rewrite 2 add_opp_r].

(* TODO: fix name *)
Theorem le_le_sub_lt : forall n m p q, n <= m -> p - n <= q - m -> p <= q.
intros n m p q H1 H2. apply (le_le_add_le (- m) (- n));
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions theories/Numbers/Integer/Abstract/ZAxioms.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Require Import Bool NZParity NZPow NZSqrt NZLog NZGcd NZDiv NZBits.
(** We obtain integers by postulating that successor of predecessor
is identity. *)

Module Type ZAxiom (Import Z : NZAxiomsSig').
Module Type ZAxiom (Import Z : NZBasicFunsSig').
Axiom succ_pred : forall n, S (P n) == n.
End ZAxiom.

Expand All @@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ End OppNotation.

Module Type Opp' (T:Typ) := Opp T <+ OppNotation T.

Module Type IsOpp (Import Z : NZAxiomsSig')(Import O : Opp' Z).
Module Type IsOpp (Import Z : NZBasicFunsSig')(Import O : Opp' Z).
Declare Instance opp_wd : Proper (eq==>eq) opp.
Axiom opp_0 : - 0 == 0.
Axiom opp_succ : forall n, - (S n) == P (- n).
End IsOpp.

Module Type OppCstNotation (Import A : NZAxiomsSig)(Import B : Opp A).
Module Type OppCstNotation (Import A : NZBasicFunsSig)(Import B : Opp A).
Notation "- 1" := (opp one).
Notation "- 2" := (opp two).
End OppCstNotation.
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228 changes: 222 additions & 6 deletions theories/Numbers/NatInt/NZAddOrder.v
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Expand Up @@ -159,9 +159,6 @@ Qed.

(** Subtraction *)

(** We can prove the existence of a subtraction of any number by
a smaller one *)

Lemma le_exists_sub : forall n m, n<=m -> exists p, m == p+n /\ 0<=p.
intros n m H. apply le_ind with (4:=H). - solve_proper.
Expand All @@ -170,9 +167,228 @@ Proof.
split. + nzsimpl. now f_equiv. + now apply le_le_succ_r.

(** For the moment, it doesn't seem possible to relate
this existing subtraction with [sub].
Lemma lt_exists_sub : forall n m, n<m -> exists p, m == p+n /\ 0<p.
intros n m I; pose proof (lt_le_incl _ _ I) as [p [E Ip]]%le_exists_sub.
exists p; split; [exact E |].
apply le_lteq in Ip as [Ip | Ep]; [exact Ip | exfalso].
apply (lt_irrefl m); rewrite E at 1; rewrite <-Ep, add_0_l; exact I.

End NZAddOrderProp.

Module Type NZSubNatInt
(Import NI : NatIntAxiomsSig')
(Import NIA : NZAddOrderProp NI)
(Import PNI : Private_NatIntOrderProp NI NIA NIA).

Lemma Private_nat_sub_0_l : P 0 == 0 -> forall n, 0 - n == 0.
intros isNat; apply (nat_induction isNat); [now intros x y -> | |].
- rewrite sub_0_r; reflexivity.
- intros n IH; rewrite sub_succ_r, IH; exact isNat.

Lemma Private_int_sub_succ_l :
(forall n, S (P n) == n) -> forall n m, S n - m == S (n - m).
intros isInt n. nzinduct m.
- rewrite 2!sub_0_r; reflexivity.
- intros m; split; intros IH.
+ rewrite 2!sub_succ_r, IH, pred_succ, isInt; reflexivity.
+ rewrite 2!sub_succ_r, isInt in IH.
rewrite <-(isInt (S n - m)), IH; reflexivity.

Lemma sub_succ : forall n m, S n - S m == n - m.
destruct (int_or_nat) as [isInt | isNat].
- intros n m; rewrite Private_int_sub_succ_l, sub_succ_r, isInt
by (exact isInt); reflexivity.
- intros n; apply (nat_induction isNat); [now intros x y -> | |].
+ rewrite sub_succ_r, 2!sub_0_r, pred_succ; reflexivity.
+ intros m IH; rewrite sub_succ_r, IH, sub_succ_r; reflexivity.

Lemma sub_diag : forall n, n - n == 0.
nzinduct n.
- rewrite sub_0_r; reflexivity.
- intros n; rewrite sub_succ; reflexivity.

Lemma add_simpl_r : forall n m, n + m - m == n.
intros n; nzinduct m.
- rewrite add_0_r, sub_0_r; reflexivity.
- intros m; rewrite add_succ_r, sub_succ; reflexivity.

(* add_sub was in Natural, add_simpl_r in Integer *)
Notation add_sub := add_simpl_r.

Theorem add_simpl_l n m : n + m - n == m.
Proof. rewrite add_comm; exact (add_simpl_r _ _). Qed.

Theorem sub_add_distr n m p : n - (m + p) == (n - m) - p.
destruct int_or_nat as [isInt | isNat].
- nzinduct p.
+ rewrite sub_0_r, add_0_r; reflexivity.
+ intros p; rewrite add_succ_r, 2!sub_succ_r; split.
* intros ->; reflexivity.
* intros ->%int_pred_inj; [reflexivity | exact isInt].
- revert p; apply (nat_induction isNat); [now intros x y -> | |].
+ rewrite add_0_r, sub_0_r; reflexivity.
+ intros p; rewrite add_succ_r, 2!sub_succ_r; intros ->; reflexivity.

Theorem add_add_simpl_l_l n m p : (n + m) - (n + p) == m - p.
Proof. rewrite sub_add_distr, add_simpl_l; reflexivity. Qed.

Theorem add_add_simpl_l_r n m p : (n + m) - (p + n) == m - p.
Proof. rewrite (add_comm p n), add_add_simpl_l_l; reflexivity. Qed.

Theorem add_add_simpl_r_l n m p : (n + m) - (m + p) == n - p.
Proof. rewrite (add_comm n m), add_add_simpl_l_l; reflexivity. Qed.

Theorem add_add_simpl_r_r n m p : (n + m) - (p + m) == n - p.
Proof. rewrite (add_comm p m), add_add_simpl_r_l; reflexivity. Qed.

Theorem add_sub_eq_l : forall n m p, m + p == n -> n - m == p.
Proof. intros n m p <-; exact (add_simpl_l _ _). Qed.

Theorem add_sub_eq_r : forall n m p, m + p == n -> n - p == m.
Proof. intros n m p; rewrite add_comm; exact (add_sub_eq_l _ _ _). Qed.

Theorem lt_0_sub : forall n m, 0 < m - n <-> n < m.
intros n m; split; cycle 1. {
intros [p [-> Ip]]%lt_exists_sub; rewrite add_simpl_r; exact Ip.
destruct int_or_nat as [isInt | isNat].
- revert m; nzinduct n; [intros m; rewrite sub_0_r; intros H; exact H |].
intros n; split; intros IH.
+ intros m; rewrite <-(isInt m), sub_succ; intros I%IH.
apply ->succ_lt_mono; exact I.
+ intros m; rewrite <-sub_succ; intros I%IH; apply succ_lt_mono; exact I.
- revert n m.
apply (nat_induction isNat (fun n => (forall m, _ -> _))).
+ intros x y E; split; intros H m; [rewrite <-E | rewrite E]; now apply H.
+ intros m; rewrite sub_0_r; intros H; exact H.
+ intros n IH m.
destruct (nat_zero_or_succ isNat m) as [-> | [m' ->]]. {
rewrite (Private_nat_sub_0_l isNat); intros []%lt_irrefl.
rewrite sub_succ; intros I%IH%succ_lt_mono; exact I.

Lemma Private_nat_sub_0_le : P 0 == 0 -> forall n m, n - m == 0 <-> n <= m.
intros isNat n m; split; intros H.
- apply nlt_ge; intros [p [Ep Ip]]%lt_exists_sub.
rewrite Ep, add_simpl_r in H; rewrite H in Ip; apply lt_irrefl in Ip as [].
- apply le_antisymm; [| exact (nat_le_0_l isNat _)].
now apply nlt_ge; intros J; apply ->lt_0_sub in J; apply nlt_ge in H.

Lemma Private_int_add_pred_l : (forall n, S (P n) == n) ->
forall n m, P n + m == P (n + m).
intros isInt n m; rewrite <-(isInt n) at 2; now rewrite add_succ_l, pred_succ.

Lemma Private_int_sub_add :
(forall n, S (P n) == n) -> forall m n, m - n + n == m.
intros isInt m n; nzinduct n.
- rewrite sub_0_r, add_0_r; reflexivity.
- now intros n; rewrite add_succ_r, sub_succ_r, Private_int_add_pred_l, isInt.

Lemma Private_sub_add_le : forall n m, n <= n - m + m.
destruct int_or_nat as [isInt | isNat]. {
intros n m; rewrite (Private_int_sub_add isInt); reflexivity.
intros n m; destruct (lt_ge_cases m n) as [I | I].
- apply lt_exists_sub in I as [p [-> I]]; rewrite add_simpl_r.
exact (le_refl _).
- apply (Private_nat_sub_0_le isNat) in I as E; rewrite E, add_0_l; exact I.

Lemma Private_nat_nle_succ_0 : P 0 == 0 -> forall n, ~ (S n <= 0).
intros isNat; apply (nat_induction isNat).
- intros x y ->; reflexivity.
- intros H; apply nlt_ge in H; apply H; exact (lt_succ_diag_r _).
- intros n H; apply nle_gt; apply nle_gt in H; apply lt_trans with (1 := H).
exact (lt_succ_diag_r _).

Lemma Private_sub_add : forall n m, n <= m -> (m - n) + n == m.
destruct int_or_nat as [isInt | isNat]. {
intros n m _; rewrite (Private_int_sub_add isInt); reflexivity.
apply (nat_induction isNat (fun n => forall m, _ -> _)).
- now intros x y E; split; intros H m; [rewrite <-E | rewrite E]; apply H.
- intros m _; rewrite add_0_r, sub_0_r; reflexivity.
- intros n IH m H; destruct (nat_zero_or_succ isNat m) as [E | [k E]].
+ rewrite E in H; exfalso; exact (Private_nat_nle_succ_0 isNat n H).
+ rewrite E, sub_succ, add_succ_r, IH; [reflexivity |].
apply succ_le_mono; rewrite E in H; exact H.

Theorem le_sub_le_add_r : forall n m p, n - p <= m <-> n <= m + p.
intros n m p; split; intros H.
- apply (add_le_mono_r _ _ p) in H; apply le_trans with (2 := H).
exact (Private_sub_add_le _ _).
- destruct int_or_nat as [isInt | isNat]. {
now apply (add_le_mono_r _ _ p); rewrite (Private_int_sub_add isInt).
destruct (le_ge_cases n p) as [I | I].
+ apply (Private_nat_sub_0_le isNat) in I as ->;
exact (nat_le_0_l isNat _).
+ apply le_exists_sub in I as [k [Ek Ik]]; rewrite Ek, add_simpl_r.
apply (add_le_mono_r _ _ p); rewrite <-Ek; exact H.

Theorem le_sub_le_add_l : forall n m p, n - m <= p <-> n <= m + p.
Proof. intros n m p; rewrite add_comm; exact (le_sub_le_add_r _ _ _). Qed.

Theorem lt_add_lt_sub_r : forall n m p, n + p < m <-> n < m - p.
intros n m p; split; intros H.
- apply (add_lt_mono_r _ _ p), lt_le_trans with (1 := H).
exact (Private_sub_add_le _ _).
- destruct int_or_nat as [isInt | isNat].
+ apply (add_lt_mono_r _ _ p) in H.
rewrite (Private_int_sub_add isInt) in H; exact H.
+ assert (p <= m) as I. {
apply lt_le_incl, lt_0_sub, le_lt_trans with (2 := H).
exact (nat_le_0_l isNat _).
apply (add_lt_mono_r _ _ p) in H.
rewrite Private_sub_add in H by (exact I); exact H.

Theorem lt_add_lt_sub_l : forall n m p, n + p < m <-> p < m - n.
Proof. intros n m p; rewrite add_comm; exact (lt_add_lt_sub_r _ _ _). Qed.

Theorem le_lt_sub_lt : forall n m p q, n <= m -> p - n < q - m -> p < q.
intros n m p q I H; apply add_le_lt_mono with (1 := I) in H as H'.
rewrite (add_comm n), (add_comm m) in H'.
assert (q - m + m == q) as Eq. {
destruct int_or_nat as [isInt | isNat];
[exact (Private_int_sub_add isInt _ _) |].
apply Private_sub_add, lt_le_incl, lt_0_sub, le_lt_trans with (2 := H).
exact (nat_le_0_l isNat _).
rewrite Eq in H'; apply le_lt_trans with (2 := H').
exact (Private_sub_add_le _ _).

End NZSubNatInt.
27 changes: 21 additions & 6 deletions theories/Numbers/NatInt/NZAxioms.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ Module Type
forall A : t -> Prop,
Proper (eq ==> iff) A ->
A zero -> (forall n : t, A n <-> A (succ n)) -> forall n : t, A n.
Parameter Private_succ_pred :
forall n : t, ~ eq n zero -> eq (succ (pred n)) n.
Parameter one : t.
Parameter two : t.
Parameter one_succ : eq one (succ zero).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,11 +206,6 @@ End IsAddSubMul.
Module Type NZBasicFunsSig := NZDomainSig <+ AddSubMul <+ IsAddSubMul.
Module Type NZBasicFunsSig' := NZDomainSig' <+ AddSubMul' <+IsAddSubMul.

(** Old name for the same interface: *)

Module Type NZAxiomsSig := NZBasicFunsSig.
Module Type NZAxiomsSig' := NZBasicFunsSig'.

(** ** Axiomatization of order *)

(** The module type [HasLt] (resp. [HasLe]) is just a type equipped with
Expand All @@ -228,8 +225,19 @@ End IsNZOrd.
(** NB: the compatibility of [le] can be proved later from [lt_wd]
and [lt_eq_cases] *)

Module Type IsNatInt (Import NZ : NZOrd').
(** The following axiom (together with the axioms about orders) ensures that
the only models are indeed integers and natural numbers.
We keep it private in order to redefine it for integers. *)
Axiom Private_succ_pred : forall n, n ~= 0 -> S (P n) == n.
(** The following axiom will force [P 0 == 0] for natural numbers. *)
Axiom le_pred_l : forall n, P n <= n.
End IsNatInt.

Module Type NZOrdSig := NZOrd <+ IsNZOrd.
Module Type NZOrdSig' := NZOrd' <+ IsNZOrd.
Module Type NatIntSig := NZOrdSig <+ IsNatInt.
Module Type NatIntSig' := NZOrdSig' <+ IsNatInt.

(** Everything together : *)

Expand All @@ -241,6 +249,10 @@ Module Type NZOrdAxiomsSig <: NZBasicFunsSig <: NZOrdSig
Module Type NZOrdAxiomsSig' <: NZOrdAxiomsSig
:= NZOrdSig' <+ AddSubMul' <+ IsAddSubMul <+ HasMinMax.

Module Type NatIntAxiomsSig <: NZBasicFunsSig <: NZOrdSig <: NatIntSig
:= NatIntSig <+ AddSubMul <+ IsAddSubMul <+ HasMinMax.
Module Type NatIntAxiomsSig' <: NatIntAxiomsSig
:= NatIntSig' <+ AddSubMul' <+ IsAddSubMul <+ HasMinMax.

(** Same, plus a comparison function. *)

Expand All @@ -251,10 +263,13 @@ Module Type NZOrdAxiomsSig' <: NZOrdAxiomsSig

Module Type NZDecOrdSig := NZOrdSig <+ HasCompare.
Module Type NZDecOrdSig' := NZOrdSig' <+ HasCompare.
Module Type NatIntDecSig := NatIntSig <+ HasCompare.
Module Type NatIntDecSig' := NatIntSig' <+ HasCompare.

Module Type NZDecOrdAxiomsSig := NZOrdAxiomsSig <+ HasCompare.
Module Type NZDecOrdAxiomsSig' := NZOrdAxiomsSig' <+ HasCompare.

Module Type NatIntDecAxiomsSig := NZOrdAxiomsSig <+ HasCompare.
Module Type NatIntDecAxiomsSig' := NZOrdAxiomsSig' <+ HasCompare.
(** A square function *)

(* TODO: why is this here? *)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion theories/Numbers/NatInt/NZDomain.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ End NZOfNatOrd.
(** For basic operations, we can prove correspondence with
their counterpart in [nat]. *)

Module NZOfNatOps (Import NZ:NZAxiomsSig').
Module NZOfNatOps (Import NZ:NZBasicFunsSig').
Include NZOfNat NZ.
Local Open Scope ofnat.

Expand Down

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