Website for the International Homoeopathic Hospital and Research Institute (pvt) Ltd.
- Git
- Composer
- First clone the repo using the following git command in your git bash(inside the xampp\htdocs)
git clone -b secondary
- CD into the ITP-Project and install the composer dependencies
cd ITP-Project
composer install
- Make a .env file by copying the .env.example file
cp .env.example .env
- If you are using different database name and password update them in the
DB_DATABASE=itp <-- Replace this with your database name
DB_USERNAME=root <-- Replace this with your username
DB_PASSWORD= <-- Add your database password(if there's any)
- If you don't have a MySQL Database in your computer make one by visting
- Generate a new key by running the following command
php artisan key:generate
- Migrate the databases
php artisan migrate
- To run the app, run the following command and goto the link given(CTRL + click the link)
php artisan serve