Processes a video or image from a camera source or file source, blurs a detected human face object in the image using a trained Haar cascade classifier while tracking that object to make sure all the frames are properly blurred. Made with real-time processing in mind.
Python 3 with NumPy and OpenCV 3.1+.
- Install Miniconda for your OS
- On Windows, use Anaconda Powershell Prompt as admin
- On Linux and Mac OS, install the .sh file and use the regular bash
- Install OpenCV
$ conda install -c conda-forge opencv
- Finally clone the repository
$ git clone
- Webcam input
$ python src/ -c 0
- Image input and output
$ python src/ -i assets/women.jpg -o assets/women_blur.jpg
- Video input and output, using the classifier we trained, and showing fps
$ python src/ -s cascades/myCascade3.xml -v src_video_path -o blurred_video_path --show_fps
To close the window, press ESC.
or --help
show the help message with all args and options and exit
or --camera CAMERA
select camera index CAMERA as the input source
or --video VIDEO
select path VIDEO as the video input source
or --image IMAGE
select path IMAGE as the image input source
or --cascade_source CASCADE
Defines CASCADE the trained Haar cascade classifier path. If the argument is absent, uses haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml.
or --output_file OUTPUT_FILE
Enable output storing, saves the processed result to OUTPUT_FILE
or --hide_processing
Runs processing in background, without displaying the frames being processed
Takes into account the processing time of the frame to track the object, only recommended for camera input.
Shows fps in the a window while processing the video.
Saves the video fps as it was captured to the video output_file.