SBF gives publish/subscribe and request/reply messaging semantics in addition to core networking libraries and common utils (queues, timers and event handling) to build applications. The library uses async callback idiom to deliver messages/events/timers etc. The core event engine is provided by the open source library libevent.
For messaging a choice of TCP or UDP multicast can be used depending on the use case of the application. UDP multicast is better if there is a one to many publish/subscribe topology.
For publish/subscribe a topic is created and one or many publishers can publish messages on the topic and one or many subscribers can listen for messages on that topic.
For request/reply, a publisher sends a single request on a topic and one or more subscribers can send a reply to that specific request for the specific publisher.
SBF is brokerless and uses a deterministic addressing scheme for topic resolution.
To compile the installation for Linux:
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../
$ make install
All dependencies are managed through git submodules.
- Core
- Event
- Timers
- Queue
- Middleware
- Handlers
- Transport, pub/sub and Request/reply
Examples for publish/subscribe, request/reply can be found in examples directory this is the best place to start.
When creating an application, typically you need to create the following base compoonents
- Log
- KeyValue for properties
- MW
- Transport
- Queue
- Thead to dispatch Queue
Once complete, publishers, subscribers, timers and events can be created, the callbacks will be delivered via the dispatching queue
The following shows creating each component
// Initialise the logging system
log = sbfLog_create (NULL, "%s", "");
sbfLog_setLevel (log, SBF_LOG_OFF);
// Initialise the middleware by defining some properties like the handler
// (e.g. tcp, udp) and the connection interface (e.g. eth0).
properties = sbfKeyValue_create ();
sbfKeyValue_put (properties, "transport.default.type", "udp");
sbfKeyValue_put (properties, "transport.default.udp.interface", "eth0");
mw = sbfMw_create (log, properties);
tport = sbfTport_create (mw, "default", SBF_MW_ALL_THREADS);
// Thread entry point for queue dispatch
static void*
dispatchCb (void* closure)
sbfQueue_dispatch (closure);
return NULL;
// Create a queue, the connection port and a thread to dispatch events
queue = sbfQueue_create (mw, "default");
sbfThread_create (&t, dispatchCb, queue);
// message callback function
static void
messageCb (sbfSub sub, sbfBuffer buffer, void* closure)
uint64_t* payload = sbfBuffer_getData (buffer);
uint64_t now;
uint64_t this = *payload;
double interval = 0;
if(CAP_HI_RES_COUNTER == sbfMw_checkSupported (CAP_HI_RES_COUNTER))
now = sbfPerfCounter_get ();
if (now > this)
interval = sbfPerfCounter_microseconds (now - this);
gTimeTotal += (uint64_t)interval;
if (interval < gTimeLow)
gTimeLow = (uint64_t)interval;
if (interval > gTimeHigh)
gTimeHigh = (uint64_t)interval;
sbfSub_create (tport, queue, "TEST_TOPIC", NULL, messageCb, NULL);