VerbalExpressions is a JavaScript library that helps construct difficult regular expressions.
<script src="VerbalExpressions.js"></script>
Or use the jsDelivr CDN.
npm install verbal-expressions
const VerEx = require('verbal-expressions');
Or use ES6's import
import VerEx from 'verbal-expressions';
npm test
npm run test:verbose
npm run build
This will run Babel on VerbalExpressions.js
and output the result to dist/verbalexpressions.js
. A minified version of the same will also be written to dist/verbalexpressions.min.js
A source map will also be created in dist
, so you can use the original "un-babelified", unminified source file for debugging purposes.
The docs/
folder uses Jekyll for building the static HTML and is hosted at
To install the Ruby dependencies, run:
cd docs/
bundle install
This installs all needed Ruby dependencies locally
After you've installed dependencies, you can run:
bundle exec jekyll build
This builds all static files to docs/_site/
If you want to develop the files locally, you can run:
bundle exec jekyll serve
This starts a local development web server and starts watching your files for changes.
You can find the API documentation at You can find the source code for the docs in docs
Here are some simple examples to give an idea of how VerbalExpressions works:
// Create an example of how to test for correctly formed URLs
const tester = VerEx()
.anythingBut(' ')
// Create an example URL
const testMe = '';
// Use RegExp object's native test() function
if (tester.test(testMe)) {
alert('We have a correct URL'); // This output will fire
} else {
alert('The URL is incorrect');
console.log(tester); // Outputs the actual expression used: /^(http)(s)?(\:\/\/)(www\.)?([^\ ]*)$/
// Create a test string
const replaceMe = 'Replace bird with a duck';
// Create an expression that seeks for word "bird"
const expression = VerEx().find('bird');
// Execute the expression like a normal RegExp object
const result = expression.replace(replaceMe, 'duck');
// Outputs "Replace duck with a duck"
const result = VerEx().find('red').replace('We have a red house', 'blue');
// Outputs "We have a blue house"
Pull requests are warmly welcome!
Clone the repo and fork:
git clone
The Airbnb style guide is loosely used as a basis for creating clean and readable JavaScript code. Check .eslintrc
Check out these slide decks for handy Github & git tips:
- - it's a wrapper of JSVerbalExpressions; users can write down the code and compile to regex
-,console - JSBin Playground
You can see an up to date list of all ports on
If you would like to contribute another port (which would be awesome!), please open an issue specifying the language in the VerbalExpressions/implementation repo. Please don't open PRs for other languages against this repo.
Here's a list of other similar projects that implement regular expression builders: