According to a survey by the OECD, only 38% of adults in India are financially literate. Finveda aims to solve this problem by providing a platform for financial literacy education.
FinVeda is a dynamic financial literacy app that'll help you Learn finance with finesse.
- AI Chatbot
- Finance Blogs
- Market Trends
- SIP Calculator
- Finance Quiz
# Fork the repository to your GitHub account.
# Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
git clone
# Create a new branch for your changes.
git checkout -b feature/your-feature
# Make your changes, whether they're bug fixes, new features, or improvements.
# Commit your changes with descriptive commit messages.
git commit -m "Add your descriptive commit message here"
git push origin feature/your-feature
# Open a Pull Request (PR) against the main repository.
# Your contribution will be reviewed and merged into the main repository.
FinVeda is free and open-source software licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. It was built at IIT Jammu's Udyamitsav'24 Hackathon where it stood first in the GenAI track and third overall.
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