Quickly create various types of U-Net networks.
This is a development version and may contain errors but at its core idea it works.
import torch
from unet_builder import UNet
ch_input = 3
ch_output = 1
model = UNet( ch_input,
init_features = 64,
u_blocks_amount = [ 1, 1, 1, 8, 1, 1, 1],
u_blocks_variant= ['C','C','C','R','C','C','C'],
u_blocks_resize = ['D','D','D','N','U','U','U'],
u_connected = False,
fin_act = torch.nn.Sigmoid()
# random input
batch_of_images = torch.rand(8, 3, 64, 64) # batch, channels, height, width
# print model description
# print shape of the output
print("input: ", batch_of_images.shape)
print("output:", model(batch_of_images).shape)
INIT Conv 3 -> 64
1, C, D, 64 -> 128
1, C, D, 128 -> 256
1, C, D, 256 -> 512
8, R, N, 512 -> 512
1, C, U, 512 -> 256
1, C, U, 256 -> 128
1, C, U, 128 -> 64
FINAL Conv 64 -> 1
FINAL Act Sigmoid()
input: torch.Size([8, 3, 64, 64])
output: torch.Size([8, 1, 64, 64])
u_blocks_amount Numbers of corresponding blocks to run. In case the amount is > 1 and corresponding u_blocks_resize is 'D' or 'U' then the change of height, width and number of features occurs in the first block.
- C -> Convolution block
- R -> Residual block
- E -> Squeeze Excitation Residual block
- A -> Position Attention + Scaled Dot Product Attention (it supports only resize 'N')
- T -> Criss Cross Attention block (it supports only resize 'N')
- D -> downsample (halve the height and width but double the number of features)
- U -> upsample (double the height and width but halve the number of features)
- N -> none (keep unchanged height, width and the number of features)
- True -> Concatenate downsampled tensors with upsampled tensors from both sides of U.
- False -> Do not concatenate downsampled tensors with upsampled tensors from both sides of U.