You only need Java JDK 17
Some Spanish words to understand the prints
You can register and login into the app, as Manager or as Client.
You can shell books as Manager and have control of them.
Passwords are encrypted with SHA256
As client you can buy books, see your balance, charge your account and see your historical data purchased
H2 embbeded DataBase
Base64 image storage on database, take care of the size, this is designed for small project.
Just go on bash/terminal/cmd on the place you have download the .jar file and put the below command:
java -jar server.jar
Then you need to download and run the client right here ➡ LibronShopClient
NOTE: That data will missing for the first time because the generated H2 DataBase.
NOTE: For the client Windows 10 or 11 is hardly recommended for run app because of the GUI and icons.