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madajz edited this page Feb 21, 2023 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the bifurcatoR wiki! Here you will find the expanded methods section for the functions utilized in the bifurcatoR Shiny app (


Calc Power



This function is the workhorse for Module II of the BifurcatoR Shiny app ( The purpose of this module and this function is to estimate the expected power to detect significant evidence against unimodality in a sample of size n via any of: Hartigan's Dip test (,a bootstrap likelihood ratio test via mclust (, and a bimodality coefficient > 0.555 as implemented and recommended by _mousetrap _( This module will also estimate the false positive rate if data are drawn from a unimodal distribution (possible distributions are Weibull, Gaussian, and Beta). For Weibull and Gaussian, Bimodal distributions are created as a mixture of two unimodal distributions with the given inputs; for Beta bimodality is achieved when both shape parameters are less than 1. To estimate the false positive rate when data come from a comparable unimodal distribution, we average the two sets of Weibull parameters, the means for Gaussian are also averaged but the variations are pooled (, and for Beta, the default unimodal distribution has both shape parameters equal to 2. The inputs for this function are, in order:

  • n: the total sample size to sampled from the parent distribution
  • alpha: the desired significance level/ type-I error rate. Note that any multiple testing corrections must be performed outside of this function
  • nsim: the number of simulated samples of size n to be drawn. The higher this number, the more accurate the the power calculation, but the longer run time. Power = the number of bimodal datasets with significant evidence of bimodality / nsim. The false positive rate is the number of unimodal datasets with significant evidence / nsim.
  • dist: the distribution the simulated data is to be sample from. Currently the options are Gaussian and beta (soon Weibull).
    • If dist == 'beta', the expected parameter list should contain the two shape parameters s1 and s2,in alternative notation for the beta distribtuion s1 = α and s2 = β
      • A useful feature of the beta distribution: if both α and β are less than 1, the distribution is bimodal
      • The unimodal distribution used to estimate the false positive rate comes from beta(α = 2, β = 2)
    • if dist == 'norm', the expected parameter list should contain: two means mu1 & mu2, two standard deviations sd1 & sd2, and p the proportion of samples in mode 1
      • The unimodal distribution used to estimate the false positive rate uses mu = weighted average of mu1 and mu2, where n1 = floor(p*n) and n2 = floor((1-p)*n), sd is the pooled sd of sd1 and sd2 using the same n1 and n2 as used for the means
        • floor() is used here to make sure power is not overestimated when n*p results in a fractional sample.
    • is dist == "weib", the expected parameter list should contain: two shape parameters sp1 & sp2, two scale parameters sc1 & sc2, and p the proportion of samples in mode 1
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