OpenVR SDK 1.0.13
- Added VREvent_RoomViewShown and VREvent_RoomViewHidden. Indicates that the "room view" pass-through camera mode has been started or stopped by the user. An application or driver can use this to enable or disable other functionality.
- Added TextureType_DXGISharedHandle. This is used to submit a shared texture handle directly and avoid an extra copy on the resource. This texture type is current only supported for overlays on Windows.
Driver Interface
- Added TrackedControllerRole_OptOut. Set a controller to this if you want that controller to be ignored for the purposes of right/left hand selection.
- Added Prop_NeverTracked_Bool. Set that property to true on a device if you want to inform the system that the device is never going to have a valid pose. For instance, you might use this for an untracked gamepad.
- Prop_DistortionMeshResolution_Int32. Set this property on an HMD device if you want the system to generate a distortion mesh with a different resolution than the default, which is an approximately 50x50 grid across the full texture which is then trimmed to the area within the hidden area mesh.
- Added Prop_MinimumIpdStepMeters_Float. Set this to the minimum IPD change in meters that should cause the IPD UI to be shown.
- IVRDriverDirectModeComponent.CreateSwapTextureSet added the ability to specify sample count.
- IVRDriverDirectModeComponent.SubmitLayer
[git-p4: depot-paths = "//vr/steamvr/sdk_release/": change = 4366099]