This roadmap is fully collaborative.
Note: Nutrition table bugs can be solved by fixing: Use the HTML fallback for the nutrition table, and make the native optional until we fix it. openfoodfacts#2474
Showstopper bugs Lists:
- Lists are not properly shown on the product page : openfoodfacts#2923
Product page:
- Remove old palm oil field : openfoodfacts#2914
- Infinite refresh loop: openfoodfacts#2443
- Red crosses shown instead of product images: openfoodfacts#2895
Edit mode:
- Fix units for the edit mode (bug to create)
- The android app sends "chamorro" language for Swiss users: openfoodfacts#2789
- The app displays a calorie less that the value in the edit mode: openfoodfacts#2743
- Fix camera crash related to Easy Image : openfoodfacts#2736
Scan mode:
- Add a button on new product addition card: openfoodfacts#2859
- Disable dragging up on unknown product: openfoodfacts#2680
Nutrition table :
- Cocoa percentage is displayed as g: openfoodfacts#2178
- Product image stretched on upload: openfoodfacts#1393
- Show NOVA and Nutri-Score in search results and history: openfoodfacts#2458
- Don't return a result if the scanned barcode matches the server-side blocklist: openfoodfacts#2629
- I should not have to wait for the product to upload (esp. when I have no or little network) openfoodfacts#2677
- Add in-app changelog: openfoodfacts#2870
- Revamp the onboarding with illustations/animations/new features
- Add % of daily values for each nutrient of a product
- Add a graph of your nutrient intake
- Honoring the server-side barcode blocklist to avoid scan errors
- Remove bugs on product page after product editing
- Add additive function in the additive card: openfoodfacts#2233
- Move "Take image" buttons at very start of product addition openfoodfacts#2860 and openfoodfacts#2350
- Add promo to make image selector discoverable
- Add hints to explain image selector buttons
- Make nutrition input numeric: openfoodfacts#2605
- Reformat Nutrition tab: openfoodfacts#2449
- Keep additives warnings in compare mode: openfoodfacts#2376
- Information related to Nutri-score and Nova should be available offline : openfoodfacts#2238
- Product name is not immediately shown on scan card after product addition: openfoodfacts#2194
- Improve suggestions by eliminating common special characters: openfoodfacts#2184
- Prepared nutrition facts are not displayed: openfoodfacts#2177 and openfoodfacts#1288 (close one of them as duplicate)
- Scanned products that do not exist in Open Food Facts do not appear in history: openfoodfacts#168
Major Enhancements:
- Allow adding a product to any project: openfoodfacts#1900
- Revamp the Product store
- Offline product scan (Pull request doing half the feature ready): openfoodfacts#2069, openfoodfacts#37 and openfoodfacts#30
- Product contribution experience that's less intimidating and includes our machine learning advances to offer suggestions
- Store all history products for offline viewing: openfoodfacts#875 and duplicate: openfoodfacts#211
- Merge Open Food Facts and Open Beauty Facts
- Products recommandations (with better Nutri-Scores, NOVAs…): openfoodfacts#825 and openfoodfacts#605
- Add a personal achievements page: openfoodfacts#2873
- Various proposals for product addition redesign: openfoodfacts#2230 , openfoodfacts#499, openfoodfacts#269
- Add product recall notifications: openfoodfacts#349
- Daily Calorie counter: openfoodfacts#348
- Search result ranking: openfoodfacts#199
- Advanced search by additive, categories, ingredients: openfoodfacts#167
- Detect barcode at 90° angle: openfoodfacts#125
- Ability to add a product that doesn't have a barcode: openfoodfacts#123
- use Product instead of State in the bundle intent used in ProductFragment: openfoodfacts#152
- Share credentials between Open Beauty Facts and Open Food Facts: openfoodfacts#528
- Fully native Open Food Facts signup
- Honor the unit from the nutrient taxonomy: openfoodfacts#2867
PRs to validate:
- Open links in the app: openfoodfacts#273
- Screenshot automation for F-Droid and the PlayStore:
- Show last edit date on product: openfoodfacts#356
- Check the PR :openfoodfacts#305
- Select products for offline view: openfoodfacts#303
- Include translated descriptions in F-Droid metadata: openfoodfacts#107
Offline Browsing Offline Edit Gamification Look and feel User management Onboarding