This repository contains all the project files for the game "Cyclone", which was made in the Unity game engine and written in C#, along with a Android application package file (CycloneTheSurvivor.apk) - making it playable on any android mobile phone if you wish to test it. I made this project in part to participate in the Software Development Contest (ACUITY 2019), where it would go on to win the second runner's up position.
Simply clone the project and move the CycloneTheSurvivor.apk file to an appropriate destination on your android mobile device and install it there to get a playable version of the game.
This is the home page. It is the first page the user sees as the app is loaded. It also serves as a landing page for the user(s). This page is used to facilitate navigation to other pages on the app by providing links (buttons) to the appropriate pages.1. Title: Displays title.
2. Options: Available options.
2.1 Play Button: On clicking this button,
the user begins a new game session.
2.2 Help Button: On clicking this button,
the user is sent to the instruction page.
2.3 Quit Button: On clicking this button,
the user exists the game.
3. Footer: Displays related information.
Upon clicking the "help" page on the home screen, the user is lead to this page. It contains the relevant information required in order to play the game.
1. Title: Displays title.
2. Instructions: The rules to play the
game are stated here. In text,
2.1 Click on the "Left' half of your screen
to rotate the ball in the "counter - clockwise"
2.2 Similarly, the "Right" side for the "clockwise"
2.3 Try to get through as many gaps in the hexagon
as you can and see how long you last!
3. Back Button: On clicking this button,
the user is sent back to the home page.
This page lets the user see their score (time lasted), as well as the highest score achieved by the user (pertains after closing).
1. Title: Displays page title.
2. Scores: Available records.
2.1 Time: Time the player lasted in the
current session that ended.
2.2 High Score: Longest time the user(s)
have lasted in a session. Updates
whenever current record is broken.
3. Message: Reads well done.
4. Options: Available options.
4.1 Retry Button: The user is lead to
a new game session.
4.2 Home Button: On clicking this button,
the user is sent back to the home page.
Unity Screen Load and Home Page Main Game Session Run and land on Game Over Page Integrated Home, Help and End Pages
The game was made in Unity Game Engine on a PC running Windows 10. An apk file has been included in this repository, feel free to install the game on your android phone to check it out yourself. Happy gaming!