Releases: Universite-Gustave-Eiffel/I-Simpa
Releases · Universite-Gustave-Eiffel/I-Simpa
I-SIMPA 1.3.4
I-SIMPA 1.3.3
Identified issues of this release:
- Missing translations
- Python plugins execution errors
- About #63 make distinction between sound level file and sound level by source in gui
- Fix illegal memory allocation while executing spps from i-simpa
- Fix missing dll
⚠️ Before installing I-SIMPA please install Visual Studio Redistribuable 2015
I-SIMPA 1.3.2
⚠️ This version has a crash issue when getting result from tetgen library. Use the last stable build instead
You have to add I-SIMPA folder to the Windows Path as DLL in this folder are required by sub-programs. Just tick the 'Add to path' checkbox during installation
- Fix SPPS path creation
- Switch from static linking to dynamic linking
I-SIMPA 1.3.1
- Copy python dll on install isimpa
- Fix application folder for language selection
- Fix toolbar drawing issue by forcing slider to 16 pixel height
- Automatic version update in source files
I-SIMPA 1.3.0
- 64 bits build of I-SIMPA
- Newer libraries
- Fix diffusion reflection on spps #5
- SPPS output extended information on reflection and particles in receivers event (only with displayed particules count)
- I-SIMPA does not require the installation of Python.
- Linux build will follow in next minor version
I-Simpa old build
v1.2.3 Initial commit