WSO2 ESB is an open source Enterprise Service Bus that enables interoperability among various heterogeneous systems and business applications.
ESBDoc reads WSO2 ESB deployment car, analyzes it and generate dependency graphs from end-points, proxies and sequences. Resulting graph can be navigated with included HTML-UI. Implementation is Maven plugin which can be added as part of the build process.
UI is available as embedded HTML-document. Here are samples of the main functionality,
Documentation consist of main window with search and list of found resources.
This window contains graphical dependency graph. Different graphical cues are used when documenting node types(proxy, api, sequence...) and edges (call, send...). Click node to see it's parameters and dependencies.
Offers list for directly called stpes and also reverse caller list.
Offers list of those SoapUI tests, which tests given proxy or sequence.
Whole process is packed as a maven plugin so it is relatively easy to add existing build process.
User can add several car-files for analysis and if they refer to each other, their dependencies are shown.
Part | Usage |
carFiles | Specifies car-file location |
soapUIFileSet | Specifies SoapUI-test locations |
You have two options:
a) Add as a Maven/Gradle/Ivy dependency to your project. Get the dependency snippet from here.
b) Download it manually from here.
Additional parameter information can be added to proxies and sequences with following description fields.
Field | Usage |
purpose | Free text field describing purpose of this proxy/sequence/endpoint |
receives | Incoming parameters and whether it is mandatory or optional |
returns | outgoing values. They can be saved into contexts or just values like HTTP status code depending upon case |
Here is a sample of proxy description where you can see how these fields are used.
Public API for managing users.
<field path="$.givenName" optional="false" description="User given name"/>
<field path="$.sn" optional="false" description="User surname"/>
<field path="$.mail" optional="false" description="User email"/>
<field path="$.uniqueId" optional="true" description="User unique ID"/>
<field path="$.verified" optional="false" description="If user is verified or not"/>
<field path="$.givenName" optional="true" description="User given name"/>
<field path="$.middleName" optional="true" description="User middle name"/>
<field path="$.sn" optional="true" description="User surname"/>
<field path="$.mail" optional="true" description="User email"/>
<field path="$.status" optional="true" description="User status"/>
<field path="$.uniqueId" optional="true" description="User unique ID"/>
<field path="$.uniqueId" optional="true" description="User unique ID"/>
Check Email
<field path="$.email" optional="false" description="Email to check if available"/>
Response returned by email checker
<field path="$.status" optional="false" description="success|failure|error"/>
<field path="$.message" optional="false" description="Result of the email check"/>
Notice that plugin is bound to install phase so it get called after build has created deployable car. But that is not mandatory as long as analyzable file can be found somewhere.
Car-files and soapUiFileSet accept standard maven filePatterns as parameters.
SoapUI-test part can be also empty so it is not added to generated graph.
Run build
mvn clean install
Navigate browser to file://path_to_buil/target/UI/index.html
Documentation can be published to some store if needed. Just copy contents of the UI-directory to the appropriate location.
- Oracle Java 8 and later
- ESBDoc has been tested with WSO2 ESB versions 4.7.0 - 5.0.0 generated car-files.
- All above + Maven 3.0.X
Copyright © 2018 Mystes Oy. Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.