Installation Instructions
Installation instructions can be found in the wiki.
Google Play Store
UltraStar Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ultrastar.UltraStarPlay
Companion App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ultrastar.UltraStarPlayCompanion
Note that the apps can not yet be found by searching the Google Play store because it is a test release. Thus, you need to directly open the link to the app.
- New themes with dynamic background. Users can add custom themes. Thanks to @jean-moreno
- Webcam can be used as background when singing. Thanks to @supernevi
- Android song folder configuration shows "internal storage" and "sd card storage" instead of the full path to hide its complexity and easily switch between these options.
- Help dialogs show button to open wiki pages with further information in a web browser.
- Song editor
- Edit lyrics of whole phrase.
- Improved editing of lyrics of single note.
- Lock layer to prevent editing notes of the layer
- Synchronize playback position with position in lyrics area is now optional
- Button to open song folder
- App bundle id was changed to
.- This affects the location where data is stored, e.g., settings and highscores.
- Upgrade to Unity 2022.2.2f1
- Fix input issue on some Android devices (notably VR devices and Samsung DeX).
- The improved keyboard / gamepad navigation is now an opt-in on Android. It caused issues on some Android devices due to a Unity bug.
- Load audio and image files from path that contain space and plus characters
- Show tooltip on pointer down for touch devices
- Handle song without any notes
- Fix song editor
- Fix mic recording
- Fix split / merge notes
- Fix scroll direction
- Fix copy & paste notes
- Fix link to website in "new version available dialog"
- Handle errors when loading settings