Test case for a problem we're having with gocloud.dev and session-based SSO for AWS
CLI. The session-based profile usesession
fails in all cases except gocloud v0.29
using AWS Go SDK v2.
===== testing profile standalone gocloud-version 0.27 awssdkver v1
Bucket opened ok
This is a test file
===== testing profile standalone gocloud-version 0.29 awssdkver v1
Bucket opened ok
This is a test file
===== testing profile standalone gocloud-version 0.27 awssdkver v2
Bucket opened ok
This is a test file
===== testing profile standalone gocloud-version 0.29 awssdkver v2
Bucket opened ok
This is a test file
===== testing profile usesession gocloud-version 0.27 awssdkver v1
unable to open bucket s3://duanetestfoo?awssdk=v1: open bucket s3://duanetestfoo?awssdk=v1: couldn't create session profile "usesession" is configured to use SSO but is missing required configuration: sso_region, sso_start_url
===== testing profile usesession gocloud-version 0.29 awssdkver v1
unable to open bucket s3://duanetestfoo?awssdk=v1: open bucket s3://duanetestfoo?awssdk=v1: couldn't create session profile "usesession" is configured to use SSO but is missing required configuration: sso_region, sso_start_url
===== testing profile usesession gocloud-version 0.27 awssdkver v2
unable to open bucket s3://duanetestfoo?awssdk=v2: open bucket s3://duanetestfoo?awssdk=v2: profile "usesession" is configured to use SSO but is missing required configuration: sso_region, sso_start_url
===== testing profile usesession gocloud-version 0.29 awssdkver v2
Bucket opened ok
This is a test file