Weather forecast retrieval gathers relevant gridded weather forecasts to ingest into physically based models for water supply forecasts
Current atmospheric models implemented:
pip install weather-forecast-retrieval
is used during the conversion in grib2nc
. To install the netCDF-C
libraries that are specific for your system. See the instructions from Unidata
To use the grib2nc
command/function you will have to have wgrib2
installed on the host computer.
This is easiest done by following NOAA instructions. After completing their instructions, make wgrib2 accessible by cd into the source code and attempt to install it under your ~/bin with:
ln wgrib2/wgrib2 ~/bin/wgrib2
The retrieval aspect of weather_forecast_retieval
has been built into a Docker image based Python 3.8. This allows for a docker deployment to run and retrieve HRRR data. The docker image can call any of the command line programs in weather_forecast_retrieval
For example, to run hrrr_nomads
with docker:
docker run --rm usdaarsnwrs/weather_forecast_retrieval hrrr_nomads -l 3 -f 0,1,2 --bbox="-119,-118,37,38" -o /path/to/output -p /path/to/crop/output
The paths to the output directories are internal to the docker image and the necessary volume mounts are needed.
usage: get_hrrr_archive [-h] -s START_DATE -e END_DATE -o SAVE_DIR
Command line tool for downloading HRRR grib files from the University of Utah
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Datetime to start, ie 2018-07-22 12:00
Datetime to end, ie 2018-07-22 13:00
-o SAVE_DIR, --output SAVE_DIR
Path to save the downloaded files to
Number of forecasts to get
The following command line will download data for a single hour and output into the ~/Downloads
folder to the file ~/Downloads/hrrr.20180722/hrrr.t12z.wrfsfcf01.grib2
get_hrrr_archive -s '2018-07-22 12:00' -e '2018-07-22 12:10' -o tests/RME/output/
Use hrrr_preprocessor
to make smaller files from a larger HRRR file. This will crop to a bounding box and extract the following variables:
- air temperature 2m (TMP:2 m)
- relative_humidity 2m (RH:2 m)
- wind_u 10m (UGRD:10 m)
- wind_v 10m (VGRD:10 m)
- precip_int surface (APCP: surface)
- short_wave surface (DSWRF: surface)
- elevation (HGT:surface)
- TCDC for entire atmosphere (for WindNinja)
usage: hrrr_preprocessor [-h] -o OUTPUT_DIR -s START_DATE -e END_DATE -f
FORECAST_HR --bbox BBOX [--verbose]
Crop HRRR files by a bounding box and extract only the necessary surface variables for running with AWSM.
Example command:
$ hrrr_preprocessor -s '2019-10-01 00:00' -e '2019-10-01 02:00' -f 0 --bbox="-119,-118,37,38" -o /path/to/output --verbose /path/to/hrrr
positional arguments:
hrrr_dir Directory of HRRR files to use as input
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
Directory to write cropped HRRR files to
Start date
End date
-f FORECAST_HR, --forecast_hr FORECAST_HR
Forecast hour
-n NCPU, --ncpu NCPU Number of CPUs for wgrib2, 0 (default) will use all
--bbox BBOX Bounding box as delimited string --bbox='longitude
left, longitude right, latitude bottom, latitude top'
--verbose increase logging verbosity
The hrrr_nomads
command line will download HRRR grib2 files from NOMADS. hrrr_nomads
will fetch either the latest 3 hours of files or files between a start and end date. Optionally,
specify the forecast hours to limit how many files are downloaded. If a bounding box and
additional preprocess path is specified, hrrr_nomads
will crop the files to the variables
needed for running AWSM.
NOTE: Requires
to be installed if cropping to a bounding box.
Example to download the latest 3 hours of data for files not found in the output directory,
with the 00
, 01
and 02
forecast hours, crop to a bounding box:
hrrr_nomads -l 3 -f 0,1,2 --bbox="-119,-118,37,38" -o /path/to/output -p /path/to/crop/output
usage: hrrr_nomads [-h] -o OUTPUT_DIR [-n NUM_REQUESTS] [-s START_DATE]
[-e END_DATE] [-l LATEST] [-f FORECAST_HRS] [--bbox BBOX]
[-p OUTPUT_PATH] [--verbose] [--overwrite]
Download from NOMADS and/or crop HRRR files by a bounding box and extract only
the necessary surface variables for running with AWSM.
Example command to download the latest 3 hours and crop to a bounding box:
$ hrrr_nomads -f 0 --bbox="-119,-118,37,38" -o /path/to/output -p /path/to/crop/output --verbose
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
Directory to download HRRR files to
-n NUM_REQUESTS, --num_requests NUM_REQUESTS
Number of concurrent requests, default 2
Start date
End date
-l LATEST, --latest LATEST
Latest number of hours to download, defaults 3 hours
-f FORECAST_HRS, --forecast_hrs FORECAST_HRS
Forecast hours, comma seperated list
--bbox BBOX Bounding box as delimited string --bbox='longitude
left, longitude right, latitude bottom, latitude top'
-p OUTPUT_PATH, --preprocess_path OUTPUT_PATH
Directory to write preprocessed HRRR files
--verbose increase logging verbosity
--overwrite Download and overwrite existing HRRR files