The basin setup tools is a set of CLI tools designed to create the required inputs for running SMRF and AWSM snow simulations.
- delineate - Automatically delineates a new basin given a pour_points file and a DEM.
- generate_topo - Creates all the images in a single netcdf for running SMRF/AWSM, often referred to as the
- grm - Aggregates Lidar snow depths into a single netcdf.
Building GDAL can sometimes be a headache if you are unfamiliar with normal build practices. If you would like to just use the tool with no questions asked, then use the docker command. However note that the file structure is what is represented inside the docker. So you must mount local directories to docker ones fortunately we have created a data folder for you to do just that. Mounting these will also ensure files you generate persist.
The commands listed in this README are used the same but with extra:
docker run -it --rm --entrypoint <COMMAND> -v $(pwd):/data usdaarsnwrc/basin_setup <ARGS>
The command above is performing the following:
- Mounting the current working directory to the
folder inside docker (linux only, otherwise use absolute paths) - Running the COMMAND with the ARGS
- GDAL 2.3.2
- Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04
- Python>=3.5
- pip 19.2.1
To begin the install for basin\_setup
, ensure that GDAL is compiled from
source. Note: Do not install the python library for GDAL but rather the
command line utiltiies. To compile from source follow the instructions
provided at:
Once GDAL is installed, install the python requirements create a virtualenv using python3:
virtualenv -p python3 basinenv
source basinenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Finally to install basin_setup for commandline use use:
python install
If you want to develop on basin_setup use the following command to install the utility so that you changes to the source will be used without having to reinstall
python develop
The delineation script automatically delineates a basin using pour points and a dem. The tool simply wraps the tools from TaudDEM and streamlines the process.
The script will produce shapefiles of all the subbasins using a threshold(s). It also saves data to allow for re-running faster.
- Auto basin delineation.
- Multiruns with multiple thresholds.
- Rerun functionality to reduce computation time.
- Outputs Shapefiles for basins and subbasins
- Runs in parallel
- Pour points must be in a BNA format. The name of the points in the BNA file will be used as the name for the output files.
- DEM must be a .tif
- Threshold is the number of cells that would drain through a single pour point, the smaller the number the more subbasins.
delineate -p pour_points.bna -d dem.tif --rerun -t 2000000 -n 2 --debug
Using the debug flag will leave lots of extra files that were generated on the way in a folder named delineation
To get files necessary for streamflow add --streamflow flag to the command which will preserve streamflow files like reaches and tree files.
Outputs a single netcdf file containing:
- Basin mask
- Basin DEM
- Basin Vegetation type (From Landfire)
- Basin Vegetation Height (From Landfire)
- Basin Vegetation Tau (radiation parameters)
- Basin Vegetation K (radiation parameters)
- Subbasin masks (optional)
To use generate_topo
you only need
- A shapefile of your basins boundary in UTM (from
). This will become the projections for
- A dem that contains the the extents of the shapefile
- Downloaded Landfire 1.4.0 EVT and EVH datasets
uses a configuration file to specify all the required parameters to run. See the CoreConfig for options and the sample configuration files.
basin_setup config.ini
The GRM tool aggregates lidar geotiffs into a single netcdf for each water year. The images are stored in time according to hours from the 10-01-YYYY
- Add any number Lidar geotiffs in a single command.
- Append any number of lidar geotifs to an existing lidar netcdf
- Autodetect dates for images filenames containing date format YYYYMMDD
- Reprojects, resize, resample, and crop domains according to the
- Assign nan values where -9999 or nans were provided.
- Check netcdf features to insure overwriting previous images data fidelity
- Manually pass in dates
The following will generate a netcdf named with two flights stored at 4-11-2020 and 4-15-2020 as determined by the image filenames.
grm -t -i 20200411_SuperDepths.tif 20200415_superDepths.tif -b lakes