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Quick Start for p2z with TAU

Dewi edited this page Jul 1, 2020 · 2 revisions

Running p2z with TAU Profiling

This is a quick-start guide for running p2z with TAU.

Installing and Building p2z

# Get the code:
git clone
cd p2z-tests
# To build, load the gcc module: 
module load gcc/7.3
# To build:
make COMPILER=gcc MODE=omp

Building TAU

If you haven't cloned the TAU repository yet do that:

# Get the code
git clone

Then complete the following steps to build:

cd tau2
# To build TAU, load the CMake module: 
module load cmake
# Configure TAU with: 
./configure -ompt -openmp -bfd=download
# Make note of the output - it will tell you to add to your path, can do this now or after making.
# To build: 
make -j install
# Add /path/to/tau/arch/bin to your path (see output from configure step)

Running TAU with p2z

# Set environment variable (no argument):
# Run TAU with the following command
tau_exec -T openmp,ompt-v5 -ompt ./p2z-tests/bin/propagate_gcc_omp 
# Examine results with pprof: 
pprof -a | less -S