Fork of DeepSqueak (Coffey, Marx, Neumaier, 2019), with additional functionalities for screening of whole records for false positives, false negatives and incorrect ROIs.
- Free backward and forward movement along the record.
- Additional spectogram with a larger time window for call contextualization.
- Single Click on lower spectrogram to jump to that position.
- Single Click a location on the scroll bar in map mode = upper spectrogram jumps to that location in the file.
- Up Arrow = next timepoint in spectrogram, Down Arrow = previous timepoint in spectrogram.
- Shift + Click on detection to reject it.
- Select, move, and modify ROIs of detected calls:
- Possibility to mark calls not detected by FRCNN.
- Black & white color map.
- Constant time and spectrogram scales.
- Possibility to modify time and spectrogram scales, Focus (upper spectrogram), Epoch (lower spectrogram).
- Sonic Visualizer export/import.
- Open Original DeepSqueak detections files.
- GUI tweaks.
Original DeepSqueak: Coffey, K., Marx, R., & Neumaier, J.
Screener: Lara-Valderrábano, L. and Ciszek, R.