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routing and isochrones in R
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temospena committed Nov 2, 2023
1 parent fff51c6 commit 3fe9d99
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Showing 2 changed files with 615 additions and 130 deletions.
226 changes: 220 additions & 6 deletions code/classroom/QgisinR.Rmd
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Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ TRIPSgeo_freg = st_read("geo/TRIPSgeo_freg.gpkg", quiet = TRUE)

Represent Transport Zones with Total, and with Car %.

```{r carper}
# create Car_per variable
TRIPSgeo_mun = TRIPSgeo_mun |> mutate(Car_per = Car / Total * 100)
TRIPSgeo_freg = TRIPSgeo_freg |> mutate(Car_per = Car / Total * 100)
Expand All @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ mapview(TRIPSgeo_freg, zcol = "Car_per", col.regions = rev(hcl.colors(9, "-Infer

## Geometric centroids

```{r geocentroid}
CENTROIDSgeo = st_centroid(TRIPSgeo_mun)
# mapview(CENTROIDSgeo)
Expand All @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ It is not that easy to estimate weighted centroids with R. See [here](https://wz
We will make a bridge connection to QGIS to use its native function of mean coordinates.

```{r weighted}
# qgis_search_algorithms("mean") # search the exact function name
# qgis_get_argument_specs("native:meancoordinates") |> select(name, description) # see the required inputs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,11 +178,14 @@ mapview(SURVEYeuclidean)
SURVEY$distance = st_length(SURVEYeuclidean) # compute distance and add directly in the first layer
summary(SURVEY$distance) # in meters
# to remove the units - can be useful
SURVEY$distance = units::drop_units(SURVEY$distance)

The same function can be used to find the closest GIRA station to each survey home location. And also check where are the ones that are far away from GIRA.

```{r girahub}
GIRA = st_read("geo/GIRA2023.geojson", quiet = TRUE) # we can also read geojson with this function!
nearest = st_nearest_feature(SURVEY, GIRA) # creates an index of the closest GIRA station id
Expand All @@ -195,9 +198,220 @@ mapview(SURVEY, zcol = "distanceGIRA") +

## Routing distance

We use the [openrouteservice-r]( package. For that you need to [create an account]( and get a Token / api key.

> **Note on how to store credentials in R**
Using an API key from [OpenRouteService](, you should store it at your computer and **never show it directly on code**.
For that `usethis::edit_r_environ()` and paste your token as `ORS_API_KEY="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"` (replace with your token). Save the .Renviron file, and press `Ctrl+Shift+F10` to restart R so it can take effect.
For that `usethis::edit_r_environ()` and paste your token as `ORS_API_KEY="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"` (replace with your token).
Save the .Renviron file, and press `Ctrl+Shift+F10` to restart R so it can take effect.

See the [documentation]( for more details.

### Distances 1 point to many points

Estimate the time and distance by `foot-waking` and `driving-car`, `fastest` mode, from survey locations (under 2 km^[for speed-up purposes - api request limit up to 40 / minute]) to IST.

```{r routingdataprep}
# devtools::install_github("GIScience/openrouteservice-r")
# ors_api_key(Sys.getenv("ORS_API_KEY")) # one time setup
# get coordinates variable
SURVEY$coordinates = st_coordinates(SURVEY)
IST$coordinates = st_coordinates(IST)
# Filter only the locations up to 2km euclidean
SURVEYsample = SURVEY |> filter(distance <= 2000)
# nrow(SURVEYsample) # 95

Although it is the same algorithm, here it works differently from QGIS.

There are many ways of doing this. If we want to know only time and distance, and **not the route** itself, we can use the `ors_matrix()`. See example [here](
If we need the route, we should use the function `ors_directions()`. This one is not that easy to set-up because the function is prepared to retrieve only one result per request :( So we do a loop. Don't worry, it is not that

```{r orsloop1, eval=FALSE, include=TRUE}
ROUTES_foot = data.frame() # initial empty data frame
# loop - the origin (i) is the survey location, and the IST is always the same destination
for (i in 1:nrow(SURVEYsample)) {
ROUTES1 = ors_directions(
lon = c(SURVEYsample$coordinates[i, 1], IST$coordinates[1, 1]),
lat = c(SURVEYsample$coordinates[i, 2], IST$coordinates[1, 2])
profile = "foot-walking", # or driving-car cycling-regular cycling-electric
preference = "fastest", # or shortest
output = "sf"
ROUTES1$distance = ROUTES1$summary[[1]]$distance # extract these values from summary
ROUTES1$duration = ROUTES1$summary[[1]]$duration
ROUTES_foot = rbind(ROUTES_foot, ROUTES1) # to keep adding in the same df
ROUTES_foot = ROUTES_foot |>
select(distance, duration, geometry) |> # discard unnecessary variables
mutate(ID = SURVEYsample$ID) # cbind with syrvey ID

Repeat the same for `car-driving`.

```{r orsloop2, eval=FALSE, include=TRUE}
ROUTES_car = data.frame() # initial empty data frame
# loop - the origin (i) is the survey location, and the IST is always the same destination
for (i in 1:nrow(SURVEYsample)) {
ROUTES1 = ors_directions(
lon = c(SURVEYsample$coordinates[i, 1], IST$coordinates[1, 1]),
lat = c(SURVEYsample$coordinates[i, 2], IST$coordinates[1, 2])
profile = "driving-car", # or cycling-regular cycling-electric foot-walking
preference = "fastest", # or shortest
output = "sf"
ROUTES1$distance = ROUTES1$summary[[1]]$distance # extract these values from summary
ROUTES1$duration = ROUTES1$summary[[1]]$duration
ROUTES_car = rbind(ROUTES_car, ROUTES1) # to keep adding in the same df
ROUTES_car = ROUTES_car |>
select(distance, duration, geometry) |> # discard unnecessary variables
mutate(ID = SURVEYsample$ID) # cbind with syrvey ID

```{r importexport1, include=FALSE}
# st_write(ROUTES_foot, "original/routes_foot.geojson")
# st_write(ROUTES_car, "original/routes_car.geojson")
ROUTES_foot = st_read("original/routes_foot.geojson", quiet = TRUE)
ROUTES_car = st_read("original/routes_car.geojson", quiet = TRUE)

## Compare distances

We can compare the euclidean and routing distances that we estimated for the survey locations under 2 km.

```{r distancessummary}
summary(SURVEYsample$distance) # Euclidean
summary(ROUTES_foot$distance) # Walk
summary(ROUTES_car$distance) # Car

## Vizualise routes

Visualize with transparency of 30%

```{r maproutes}
mapview(ROUTES_foot, alpha = 0.3)
mapview(ROUTES_car, alpha = 0.3, color = "red")

We can also use the `overline()` [function from stplanr package]( to break up the routes when they overline, and add them up.

```{r overline, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
# we create a value that we can later sum, it also could be the number of trips represented by this route. in this case is only one respondent per route
ROUTES_foot$trips = 1
ROUTES_foot_overline = overline(
attrib = "trips",
fun = sum
mapview(ROUTES_foot_overline, zcol = "trips", lwd = 3)

* How many people are entering IST by the stairs near *Bar de Civil*?
* And by the North gate?
* And from Alameda stairs?

<!-- Use [openrouteservice-r]( package devtools::install_github("GIScience/openrouteservice-r") -->
# Buffers vs. Isochones and Service Areas

## Buffer

Represent a buffer of 500 m and 2000 m from IST^[Here I selected only the first variable because now we also have the coordinates information (unecessary for this procedure)].

```{r bufferIST}
# BUFFERist500 = st_buffer(IST, dist = 500) # non projected - results may be weird
BUFFERist500 = geo_buffer(IST[1], dist = 500) # from stplnar, to make sure it is in meters.
BUFFERist2000 = geo_buffer(IST[1], dist = 2000)
mapview(BUFFERist500) + mapview(BUFFERist2000, alpha.regions = 0.5)

## Isochrone

### Isochrone from 1 point - distance

We use again the `openrouteservice` r package.

```{r isoch1}
ISOCist = ors_isochrones(
profile = "foot-walking",
range_type = "distance", # or time
range = c(500, 1000, 2000),
output = "sf"
ISOCist = arrange(ISOCist, -value) # to make the larger polygons on top of the table so the are displayed behind.
mapview(ISOCist, zcol = "value", alpha.regions = 0.5)

As you can see, the distance buffer of 500m is larger than the isochrone of 500m.
Actually we can measure their area of reach.

```{r arearatio}
ISOCist$area = st_area(ISOCist)
BUFFERist500$area = st_area(BUFFERist500)
BUFFERist2000$area = st_area(BUFFERist2000)
ratio1 = BUFFERist500$area / ISOCist$area[ISOCist$value == 500] # 1.71
ratio2 = BUFFERist2000$area / ISOCist$area[ISOCist$value == 2000] # 1.22

The euclidean buffer of 500m is `r round(ratio1, 2)` times larger than its isochrone, and the buffer of 2000m is `r round(ratio2, 2)` times larger than its isochrone.

### Isochrone from more than 1 point - time

For this purpose we will use the high schools dataset.

```{r getschools}
# import schools
SCHOOLS = st_read("geo/SCHOOLS_basicsec.gpkg", quiet = TRUE)
SCHOOLS$coordinates = st_coordinates(SCHOOLS) # create coordinate variable
SCHOOLShigh = SCHOOLS |> filter(Nivel == "Secundario") # filter the high schools

And proceed with the time isochrones.

```{r isoch2, eval=FALSE, include=FALSE}
coor = data.frame(lon = SCHOOLS$coordinates[,1], lat = SCHOOLS$coordinates[,2])
coor = coor[1:5,] # error of api, get a loop to overpass this!
ISOCist = ors_isochrones(
profile = "foot-walking",
range_type = "time", # or distance
range = c(5, 20),
output = "sf"
ISOCist = arrange(ISOCist, -value) # to make the larger polygons on top of the table so the are displayed behind.
mapview(ISOCist, zcol = "value", alpha.regions = 0.5)

*Work In Progress*

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