Begin by downloading the ZIP file and extracting the "Serialmote" folder to a location of your choice.
Inside the "Serialmote" folder, you'll find a file named "Settings.ini" with basic configuration options such as URL Port and COM Port. Only modify these options if needed; leave the rest unchanged.
Open Command Prompt by pressing Win + R, typing "cmd," and pressing Enter.
Use the cd command to navigate to the directory where your "Serialmote.exe" file is located. For example:
Installing the service with the following command: cd C:\your\chosen\folder\Serialmote Install the Windows service using the sc command: sc create Serialmote binPath= "C:\your\chosen\folder\Serialmote\Serialmote.exe"
Start the service with the following command: sc start Serialmote sc config Serialmote start= auto Now, your "Serialmote" service will automatically start whenever your computer boots up