This project demonstrates real-time face detection using face-api.js
and react-webcam
- React: Frontend framework for building user interfaces.
- face-api.js: JavaScript API for face detection, face recognition, and more.
- react-webcam: React component for accessing the webcam.
Clone the Repository:
git clone
cd face-detection-react-webcam
Install Dependencies:
Copy code
pnpm install
Run the Application:
pnpm dev
This will start the development server and open the application in your default web browser.
When the application loads, it accesses your webcam using react-webcam. The face-api.js library is used to detect faces in real-time. Detected face attributes such as age, gender, and facial expressions are displayed. Expressions score and the highest expression are calculated and shown.
- Real-time face detection using the webcam.
- Displaying age, gender, and facial expressions of the detected face.
- Calculating and displaying the highest expression and its score.