Fix corrupted Scratch 3 projects.
Install with:
npm install @turbowarp/sb3fix
Then use from Node.js:
const sb3fix = require('@turbowarp/sb3fix');
const fs = require('fs');
const run = async () => {
// Fix a .sb3 or .sprite3 with sb3fix.fixZip()
// Input can be an ArrayBuffer, Uint8Array, Blob, File, or Node.js Buffer.
// Output will be Uint8Array.
// This method returns a Promise. If there is an error, that promise will reject.
const brokenZip = fs.readFileSync('your-broken-project.sb3');
const fixedZip = await sb3fix.fixZip(brokenZip);
// Fix just a project.json or sprite.json with sb3fix.fixJSON()
// Input can be a parsed project.json object or a parsed sprite.json object or a string.
// If the input is an object, that object will be modified in-place instead of being copied.
// Output will be a parsed project.json object or a parsed sprite.json object depending on input.
// This method is NOT async. If there is an error, a plain JavaScript error will be thrown.
const brokenJSON = fs.readFileSync('your-broken-project.json', 'utf-8');
const fixedJSON = sb3fix.fixJSON(brokenJSON);
// sb3fix is deterministic. The same input will always give the same output, bit-for-bit.
// Both sb3fix methods take in an optional options object.
const options = {
// While sb3fix runs, it'll log what it's doing and what it fixed. You can monitor those
// using this callback. These messages are primarily a debugging tool, so the exact output
// is not stable and may change without warning.
logCallback: (message) => {
// To use the above options, just supply as the second argument when you call sb3fix:
await sb3fix.fixZip(brokenZip, options);
sb3fix.fixJSON(brokenJSON, options);
Install things:
git clone
cd sb3fix
npm ci
Source code is in the src folder. During development do:
npm start
Then open dist/index.html in your favorite browser (there isn't a localhost development server).
For the final build:
npm run build
All changes should have a corresponding test. Add test sb3 files in tests/samples, then run:
npm run update
Then check that the changes in tests/expected-output match what you expect. No unexpected changes! You can check if all the tests still pass with:
npm run test
Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Thomas Weber
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at